
  • 网络low-carbon transition
  1. 在我国,面对发展和减排的双重压力,快速城市化地区的低碳转型逐渐受到国家和地方各层面的重视,现有城市规划体系的思维方式也开始向气候应变方向发展。

    In China , face the dual pressures of development and emission reduction , state and local authorities were attaching importance to low-carbon transition of rapid urbanization region gradually , and the existing way of thinking in city planning system began to develop in the direction of climate response .

  2. 加强培训与教育,先行试点、分布推广低碳产业,以在经济发展与低碳转型中寻求最佳结合点以保持经济的持续增长和稳定就业。

    The way to establish pilot projects first , then to promote the distribution of low-carbon industries is recommended , so that the best combination point between economic development and low-carbon transition can be caught , in order to maintain sustained economic growth and stable employment .

  3. 忽视工业出口企业的主体作用将导致低碳转型的不确定性和脆弱性。

    Ignoring their importance will lead the uncertainty and vulnerability of low-carbon economy of our country .

  4. 资源型城市低碳转型的情景分析与路径依赖研究。

    Fifth , scene analysis and path dependence of low carbon transformation in resources-based cities are studied .

  5. 当前,世界各国都在竞相推动经济向低碳转型。

    At present , the countries of the world are racing to promote the transition to a low carbon economy .

  6. 中国目前认为,推动经济增长的因素为:消费比重提高,经济向低碳转型,创新。

    China now sees growth as driven by : a rising share of consumption ; moving to a low-carbon economy ; and innovation .

  7. 中小企业低碳转型之后,如何对其效果进行评价,评价的标准是什么?

    When small and medium-sized enterprises ( SMEs for short ) have realized transformation , how can we evaluate them and what are the standards ?

  8. 中国企业也应该正视自身高碳生产高碳出口的现状,主动参与到产品出口结构低碳转型中去。

    Chinese enterprises should face up to the production situation of high carbon export and actively participate in the low carbon transformation of industry export structure .

  9. 因此我们不得不调整当前经济发展模式,采用更清洁的能源,推动整个社会向低碳转型。

    So we have to adjust the current economic development model to promote the whole society to a low carbon transformation by using more clean energy .

  10. 合作项目将应对碳捕集、利用和封存、削减氢氟碳化物、城市和水泥行业的低碳转型等问题。

    The projects address carbon capture , usage and storage , hydrofluorocarbon reduction , and the move toward low-carbon cities and a low-carbon model for the cement industry .

  11. 因此,研究区域产业结构低碳转型对实现区域经济低碳发展目标具有一定的理论和现实意义。

    In a word , the study on regional low carbonization of industrial structure is significant for realizing the goals of regional economic low carbon development both theoretically and practically .

  12. 完全通过市场调节实现经济向低碳转型需要很长时间,因此政府干预对于发展低碳经济是必不可少的。

    It is so long time to realize the economic transformation through the market regulation completely , that the government intervention in developing a low carbon economy is indispensable . 6 .

  13. 首先,对区域产业结构低碳转型理论梳理和框架构建不够全面和深入,如在区域产业结构低碳转型评价指标体系构建上,没有考虑产业结构低碳转型的成本因素。

    Firstly , the theoretical framework of regional industrial structure low carbon transformation is not full-scale and deep enough . For example , without taking the cost factors of low carbon transformation into account .

  14. 一直以来,人们发现只有在根本上摆脱对化石燃料的依赖,实现生产、消费方式全面向低碳转型,才能够真正解决气候变化问题。

    All along , people has found that only by getting rid of our dependence on fossil fuels and realizing the transition to a low-carbon economy of production and consumption patterns can we really handle the issue of climate change .

  15. 两国认识到必须共同努力来建立采取有雄心的气候变化行动全球框架,这将支持我们本国实现低碳转型努力。双方同意就此加强双边政策对话和务实合作。

    The UK and China both recognise the clear imperative to work together towards a global framework for ambitious climate change action , since this will support efforts to bring about low carbon transitions in our own countries , and agreed to strengthen policy dialogue and practical cooperation .

  16. 企业低碳经济转型的成功与否,将是决定企业未来存亡的关键。

    Whether or not the transaction of low-carbon economy succeeds , would be a turning point to every enterprise .

  17. 该合作支持清洁和低碳能源转型,有利于未来获得安全和价格实惠的能源供应。

    This collaboration supports the clean and low carbon energy transition and is conducive to affordable and secure energy supplies for the future .

  18. 目前,河南向低碳经济转型的障碍,主要包括能源消费结构不合理、研发和创新能力有限、产业分工仍处于低端位置等。

    Now the main impediments to low carbon economy are irrational energy consumption structure , limited research and innovation capacity , low-end industrial division , etc.

  19. 中国作为发展中的温室气体排放大国,在向低碳经济转型的过程中,面临着特定的制约因素。

    As a big development country in greenhouse gas emissions , China faced with certain restricting factors during to a low carbon economy in the process of transforming .

  20. 该倡议旨在利用美国近期的经验,改善两国能源安全,帮助中国向低碳经济转型。

    Drawing on recent experience in the United States , this initiative aims to improve energy security in both countries and help China transition to a low-carbon economy .

  21. 联合国驻华系统协调代表兼联合国开发计划署驻华代表马和励在会上强调了联合国开发计划署在帮助推动中国向低碳模式转型的决心。

    Khalid Malik , UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in China , underscored UNDP 's commitment to helping facilitate China 's progress towards a low carbon model .

  22. 温室气体减排正由科学共识转变为实际行动,全球向低碳经济转型已是大势所趋。

    It is the scientific consensus into practical action to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and it is a global trend to turn to low ? carbon economy .

  23. 向低碳经济转型将在短期内创造就业机会,在中期内提高经济生产率,在长期内确立美国在技术上的领先地位。

    The conversion to a low-carbon economy would create jobs in the short run , a more productive economy in the medium run , and US technological leadership in the longer run .

  24. 采取协调行动的第四个理由是,此次危机提供了空前的机会:将促进2009年经济增长和增加就业的短期刺激需求,与提升全球生产率增长和加速低碳经济转型的长期需求结合起来。

    A fourth reason for co-ordinated action is the unprecedented opportunity the crisis presents to combine shorter-term stimulus requirements to boost growth and employment in 2009 with the longer-term requirement to lift global productivity growth and accelerate the transformation to a lower-carbon economy .

  25. 低碳经济转型是低碳经济环境下世界各国发展面临的重要问题,对于市场经济的参与主体企业而言,既是一次前所未有的挑战,也是一次空前的机遇。

    The transaction of low-carbon economy is a great matter in front of the entire world under the circumstance of low-carbon economy . And for the main participate of the market-enterprise , it should be not only an unprecedented challenge , but also a unparalleled opportunity .

  26. 为减缓全球气候变暖,最根本的途径在于转变经济发展模式,使能源消费由高碳方式向低碳方式进行转型,探索一条既能利用生态资本又能解决生态贫困的经济发展道路。

    To slow global warming , the most fundamental way is to change the economic development model , so that the energy consumption way transform from high carbon to low carbon , to explore a solution that both can use ecological capital and control ecological poverty .

  27. 承接国际服务外包能有效促进承接地区服务业地发展,对发展低碳经济促进经济转型意义重大。

    Undertaking international service outsourcing can contribute effectively to the regional development of the service industry , which means a lot to develop the low-carbon economy .

  28. 我们认识到,我们的经济制度向低碳与绿色增长转型对于我们这一代以及下一代的更好生活是必需的。

    We recognize that transformation of our economic system toward low-carbon and green growth is needed for the better life of our next generation as well as generation .

  29. 在低碳时代背景下,低碳转型成为资源型城市可持续发展的必然选择。

    To be in low carbon era background , low carbon transition becomes a resource type city sustainable development inevitably choice .

  30. 建设“两型”社会与发展低碳经济都是中国经济低碳转型中的系统工程。

    The construction of " two-oriented " society and the development of low carbon economy are both included in the systematic engineering in Chinese low-carbon economic transition .