
dī xuè rónɡ liànɡ xìnɡ xiū kè
  • hypovolemic shock
  1. 结论低血容量性休克可导致心肌细胞膜ATP酶活性降低,能量消耗增加,细胞膜离子泵功能衰竭;

    Conclusions Hypovolemic shock can decrease the ATPase activity of cardiomyocyte cell membrane , increase the use of energy , leading to inhibition of ionic pump functions .

  2. 此结果表明低血容量性休克在IBD发生发展中起重要作用,并构成IBD患鸡死亡的重要原因。

    This study indicates that hypovolemic shock plays an important role in the development of IBD and constitutes a main cause of death of chickens with IBD .

  3. 失血致低血容量性休克大鼠心脏G蛋白表达及纳络酮的影响

    Effects of naloxone on cardiac G protein expression following hemorrhagic shock in rats

  4. 第1部分观察创伤低血容量性休克不同时间点,β内啡肽(βEP)与平均动脉压(MAP)及血流动力学的关系。

    In part I , the relationship between plasma β endorphin (β EP ) and mean arterial pressure ( MAP ), hemodynamic parameters of shock were observed .

  5. 创伤发生后早期连续应用参麦注射液对腹部外伤并发低血容量性休克所致的MODS具有预防作用。

    If constantly used early after trauma , Shenmai Injection has the preventive effects on MODS caused by abdominal injury complicating hypovolemic shock .

  6. 结论:大黄能抑制低血容量性休克再灌注小肠粘膜组织iNOS的表达而起到保护肠粘膜的作用。

    Conclusions : Rhubarb can inhibit low bloody shock and reperfusion of the small intestinal mucosa iNOS expression organizations play the role of intestinal mucosal protection .

  7. 目的:探讨参麦注射液对腹部外伤并发低血容量性休克所致多脏器功能失常综合征(MODS)的防治作用。

    Objective : To investigate the preventive effects of Shenmai Injection on multiple organ dysfunction syndrome ( MODS ) caused by abdominal injury complicating hypovolemic shock .

  8. 低血容量性休克大鼠心肌细胞Ca~(2+)浓度及膜电位的变化方法:以AngⅡ及三碘甲状腺素原氨酸(triiodothyronine,T3)分别或同时作用于培养的细胞。

    Experimental studies on calcium ion concentration and mitochondrial membrane potential in cultured myocyte of rat subjected to hypovolemia shock METHODS : Cardiac myocyte was cultured according to the method of Simpson .

  9. 目的:研究低血容量性休克大鼠再灌注后诱导型一氧化氮合酶(iNOS)和内皮素(ET-1)在小肠粘膜的表达及大黄对它们的影响。

    Objective : To explore the expression hemorrhagic of inducible nitric oxide synthase ( iNOS ) and endothelin ( ET-1 ) in the small intestinal mucosa in hypovolemic shocked rats and The effect of rhubarb on them .

  10. 目的:研究失血致低血容量性休克大鼠心脏组织鸟苷酸结合蛋白(Guaninenucleotide-bindingprotein,G蛋白)含量的变化及纳络酮对其影响。

    AIM : To study the alteration of the content of guanine nucleotide binding protein α subunits ( G α protein ) in myocardium during shock , and the effect of naloxone ( NAL ) on the G protein .

  11. 结论:βEP可能通过δ、κ阿片受体的介导,参与创伤低血容量性休克的病?

    Conclusions : β EP appears to be involved in the pathogenesis of traumatic hemorrhagic shock mediated by δ and κ opioid receptors . δ and κ opioid receptor antagonists would hopefully be new drugs in the treatment of traumatic and hemorrhagic shock .

  12. δ和κ阿片受体拮抗剂在治疗创伤低血容量性休克中的意义

    The effects of δ,κ opioid receptor antagonists on traumatic hemorrhagic shock

  13. 低血容量性休克在传染性法氏囊病发生发展中的作用

    Role of hypovolemic shock in the development of infectious bursal disease

  14. 大黄对低血容量性休克大鼠脑肠肽影响的观察

    The effects of rhubarb on neurointestinal peptide in hypovolemic shocked rats

  15. 血安定纠正婴幼儿早期低血容量性休克30例

    Thirty Cases of Infant 's Early Hypovolemic Shock Corrected with Gelofusine

  16. 感染中毒性和低血容量性休克病人的心肌坏死研究

    Study on myocardial necrosis in patients with septic shock or hypovolemic shock

  17. 第一部分:异丙酚药物浓度检测方法的建立:第二部分:低血容量性休克对血浆异丙酚浓度的影响;

    Part 1 : Establishment of measuring . method for propofol concentration .

  18. 纳洛酮治疗低血容量性休克体会

    Clinical Observation of Naloxone on Hypovolemic Shock Q & A on Sex

  19. 再灌注损伤对低血容量性休克的创伤病人预后影响

    Outcome after Hypovolemic Shock in Trauma Patients of Reperfusion Injury

  20. 高渗盐水对低血容量性休克大鼠淋巴循环的影响

    Effect of hypertonic sodium chloride on lymph circulation in rats with hemorrhagic shock

  21. 方法:腹部外伤低血容量性休克患者68例,随机分成2组。

    Methods : 68 cases with abdominal injury complicating hypovolemic shock were randomly divided into two groups .

  22. 饲菌复合低血容量性休克诱发兔肠源性脓毒症和多脏器功能失常综合征的实验研究

    Feeding E.coli plus severe hypovolemic shock induces gut origin sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in rabbits

  23. 参麦注射液在腹部外伤低血容量性休克致多脏器功能失常综合征中的防治作用

    The preventive effect of Shenmai Injection on multiple organ dysfunction syndrome caused by abdominal injury complicating hypovolemic shock

  24. 目的:探讨腹腔镜手术用于治疗低血容量性休克的可行性和安全性。

    Objective : To evaluate the feasibility and safety of operative laparoscopy for tubal pregancy with hypovolemic shock .

  25. 创伤低血容量性休克大鼠脑μ、δ、κ阿片受体变化及其在心血管功能抑制中的作用

    The potential role of brain μ,δ and κ opioid receptors in the cardiovascular depression following traumatic hypovolemic shock in rats

  26. 复方高渗盐溶液对大鼠低血容量性休克心肌细胞膜泵功能的影响

    Effects of compound hyperosmotic solution on ionic pump functions of cardiomyocyte cell membrane of rat after resuscitation from hemorrhagic shock

  27. 目的旨在探讨低血容量性休克大鼠心肌细胞Ca2+浓度及其膜电位的变化。

    Objective To explore the changes in Ca2 + concentration and mitochondrial membrane potential in cultured myocytes in rat subjected to hypovolemia shock .

  28. 目的:阐明介导创伤性休克的阿片受体亚型,并探讨相应的δ、κ阿片受体拮抗剂在治疗创伤低血容量性休克中的意义。

    Objective : To elucidate opioid receptor subtypes associated with traumatic hemorrhagic shock and study beneficial effects of their antagonists on traumatic hemorrhagic shock .

  29. 急性低血容量性休克后低剂量内毒素致早期急性呼吸窘迫综合征动物模型研制

    Experimental study of replication of an animal model of early acute respiratory distress syndrome with acute hemorrhagic shock followed by intravenous injection of low dose endotoxin

  30. 保持引流管通畅,防治低血容量性休克及感染性休克,预防肺炎及肺不张是护理的重要环节;

    The most important in nursing includes : keeping the catheter unobstructed , preventing and treating complications such hypovolemic and infectious shock , pneumonitis and atelectasis .