
  1. 盼盼,让我们用你的足球踢球吧!

    Let 's play with your football , panpan !

  2. 辽宁盼盼集团有限公司

    " Liaoning Panpan Group Co. , Ltd. "

  3. 刘建树,胡盼盼,王志鑫探讨了混合试剂对真丝绸进行抗皱整理,不同条件对真丝绸整理性能的影响。

    Investigates the influence of crease-resist finishing with mixed reagent under different conditions upon the property of real silk fabrics .

  4. 多年来,盼盼防盗门坚持走自主创新之路,不断加大原始创新、集成创新和引进创新力度。

    Over the years , the company stick to the road of independent innovation , increasing the original innovation , integrated innovation and the introduction of innovation .

  5. 吉祥物盼盼是中国的国宝大熊猫,盼盼就是盼望和平,盼望友谊,盼望运动员的好成绩。

    The mascot was a Chinese national treasure , the panda , called pan pan , which implied expecting peace , friendship and good results of the athletes .

  6. 亚伯拉罕和丽莎·露低声哭着,盼盼和素素为了发泄他们的悲痛,就号啕大哭,声震四壁;王子被放进坟坑的时候,他们都站在坟坑的四周。

    Abraham and'Liza-Lu sobbed , Hope and Modesty discharged their griefs in loud blares which echoed from the walls ; and when Prince was tumbled in they gathered round the grave .

  7. 比亚伯拉罕小的是两个女孩子盼盼和素素;然后是一个三岁的男孩,最后是一个刚刚满一周岁的婴孩。

    Next in juvenility to Abraham came two more girls , Hope and Modesty ; then a boy of three , and then the baby , who had just completed his first year .