
  • 网络My Architect;My Architect A Son's Journey
  1. 由电影《我的建筑师·寻父之旅》解读路易斯·I·康

    Reading Louis Kahn through the film " my architect : a son 's journey "

  2. 主持人:大部分我认识的著名建筑师都在中国工作了。

    Host : Most great architects I know are working in China .

  3. 但他是我手下年轻有为的建筑师之一。

    But he is one of our brightest young architects .

  4. 我的兄弟是个建筑师。

    And my brother is an architect .

  5. 我会成为真正的建筑师!

    I 'll be a proper architect !

  6. 那位带我四处参观的年轻建筑师告诉我,这座大楼几年前刚开始建造时,周围除了农田几乎什么都没有,从建筑工地上根本看不到城市。

    The young architect showing me around said that when construction on the tower started a couple of years ago virtually nothing was there , it was all farmland , there was no city to see from the site .

  7. 我的梦想是尽我全力做最好的建筑师。

    My dream is to be the best architect I can be .

  8. 我出生之后不久,我父亲成为成功的建筑师。他建造桥梁时我们周游世界,当然,还有塔和别的什么。

    I was born not long after , and then my father went on to become this successful architect.We traveled around the world while he built bridges and , you know , towers and stuff .