
  • 网络our town;About our town
  1. 几星期前我逃离我们的小镇。

    I ran away from our town several weeks ago .

  2. 我们的小镇里刚建了一个新的游泳池。

    A new swimming pool has just been built in our town .

  3. 一九九五年,一场大雪侵袭了我们的小镇。

    In 1995 our small town was hit by a heavy snowfall .

  4. 这些人来到我们的小镇来骚扰我们这里的居民。

    Men like this come to our town and start harassing a citizen .

  5. 我们的小镇最近建了一座电影院。

    Our town built a cinema recently .

  6. 《我们的小镇》作为他的戏剧代表作,获得了巨大的成功。

    As one of his representative works , his play Our Town is a great success .

  7. 她跟她朋友从我们的小镇开了八十五英里去拍这张照片

    She and her friend drove 85 miles from our lttle town to get this taken .

  8. 第一章主要介绍了怀尔德的生平及其主要作品、《我们的小镇》以及文献综述。

    Chapter One includes the introduction to Wilder and his literary career , the pla Our Town and Literature Review .

  9. 每逢星期天,有许许多人从城里来观赏我们的小镇,并在树林中散步。

    On Sundays , hundreds of people come from the city to see our town and to walk through the woods .

  10. 制作过《我们的小镇》、《鹿王》、《屋顶上的小提琴手》、《啊,荒野!

    Her producing credits include : Our Town , The King Stag , The Fiddler on the Roof , Ah , Wilderness !

  11. 在他们开始建造之前,我记得市长是怎然夸耀那条路的,尽管它只绕过了我们的小镇而已。

    When they started construction , I remember how the mayor bragged about it , even though it would completely bypass our town .

  12. 逃离我们出生的小镇,奔赴自由

    To get up and get out of the town that we were raised

  13. 在我们居住的这个小镇上,我家已经搬了好几个地方,直到我们终于在宾西法尼亚大街的一所房子安定了下来。这里的邻居都很平易近人,很快父亲母亲就和他们交上了朋友。

    In this small town , my family and I had lived at several places , before settling down in a house on Pennsylvania Ave. A very quiet neighborhood , my folks quickly made friends with those all around .

  14. 我也讨厌我们住的这个小镇。

    And I hate this town we have to live in .

  15. 他们开采地下、潜入深海,把能源带到我们的城市和小镇;

    they mine the earth and dive the ocean depths to bring energy into our cities and towns ;

  16. 尽管社会在接纳全职爸爸方面已经取得了一些进步,但是克莱感觉到,在大城市以外,包括我们所居住的小镇上的某些地方,传统观念仍然根深蒂固。

    Although society has progressed in its acceptance of stay-at-home fathers , Clay feels that outside of larger urban areas , including in parts of our small town , traditional attitudes remain more entrenched .

  17. 这是我们上周末参观的小镇。

    This is the small town _____ we visited last weekend .

  18. 在我们长大的那个荷兰小镇,我们还为同一家足球俱乐部效过力。

    In the small Dutch town where we grew up , we also played for the same football club .

  19. 它们没打我们,而是朝我们右边的一个小镇飞过去。

    They did not attack us , but flew towards some small town that lay to our right .

  20. 我们真的想让库尔德工人党控制我们边境地区的小镇吗?

    Do we want to have the PKK control a little state across from our borders ?

  21. 这种声音由Novelson设计,Novelson是一家专门辅助汽车制造业的咨询公司,它为客户预计未来汽车行业发展前景,如果我们未来都开电力车,Novelson还将为我们的小镇以至于城市设计未来20年的城市声音。

    The sounds have been designed by Novelson , a consultancy that develops tools to help car manufacturers predict future behavior , including how our towns and cities might sound in 20 years , if we all got an electric .