
  • 网络I just love you;The Arrangement
  1. 你非同寻常,但我就爱你这样

    You 're not normal , and I like that .

  2. 我就爱你这个,莎莉。

    That 's why I love you , Sally .

  3. 正如飘落的细雨,从一开始我就爱你。

    Like soft rain falling , I have loved you from the start .

  4. 我就爱你跟我这样开玩笑。

    No , I love how you and me can joke like this .

  5. 我就爱你这样“杯”子半满的积极人士。

    I love that you 're a " cup 's half full " kind of person .

  6. 我们可以先睡会儿过来不要我就爱你这点

    We can get some sleep.Come here . No.Look , this is why I love you ,

  7. 我就爱你这样。

    I love you for that .

  8. 我就爱你是这个样子,总是热情奔放却健忘、容易动感情却毫不忠诚。

    I love you just as you are , ardent and forgetful , generous and unfaithful .

  9. 每一次呼吸之后我就更爱你一点,真诚、疯狂而深深的爱着你

    I love you more with every breath truly madly deeply do

  10. 我就爱着你这样让人放心的人。

    And I love how secure you are .

  11. 你要是愿意,我就永远爱你,你要不愿意,我就永远相思。

    If you are willing , I will always love you , you do not want to , I will never Acacia .

  12. 如果你告诉一个人不要做那件事,虽然你想做但是你要是做了,我就不爱你了就讨厌你了,你做这件事是不对的。

    If you tell a person don 't do that you want to do it but I won 't love you for , or hate you for it , or it 's wrong for you to do that .

  13. 最后一次见你的时候我就说过我爱你。

    I told you I loved you the last time I saw you .

  14. 莫妮卡,第一次见到你我就知道我爱你。

    Monica , from the moment I met you I knew I loved you .

  15. 我就一定永远爱你。

    I 'd love you forever .

  16. 请你继续给我力量就如同我爱你一样!

    Asks you to continue for me the strength to be similar to me to like you being same !

  17. 自从我见到你,我就一直爱你。

    I 've loved you ever since I met you .

  18. 但我可没说我因此就不再爱你。

    Which doesn 't mean that I love you any the less .

  19. 跟我走,我就永不停止地爱你。

    Come away with me , and I 'll never stop loving you .

  20. 我才不理他呢,我就爱陪伴你!

    He can forget that ! I much prefer your company !

  21. 我知道在我遇见你之前我就爱着你。

    I know I love you before I meet you .

  22. 如果没有你我就无法生存,那么我就不能自由的爱你。

    If I am nothing without you , then I 'm not really free to love you .

  23. 你居然为了跟我睡一夜而付钱给我&这个从小就爱你、甚至是你儿子的母亲!

    You were paying me for the night I had spent with you , me who had loved you since childhood , me the mother of your son .

  24. 早在你六岁时我就知道你是gay,但从你出生起我就深爱着你。

    Ive known you were gay since you were six , Ive loved you since you were born . '