
  • 网络We women;We, the Women;We,the Women;Me Naiset;Of Life and Love
  1. 父亲认为我们女人是不会想到这种事情的

    Father thinks we women don 't find out about such things .

  2. 你是说我们女人方向感差?

    Are you saying that we women have an inferior sense of direction ?

  3. 我们女人不懂那些的。

    Us women don 't know anything about all of that .

  4. 过分的虔诚是我们女人的丑行。

    An exaggerated devotion is the scandal of our sex .

  5. 我们女人在他们身边就要缩小了。

    It 's just us women like to shrink when we get near them .

  6. 我们女人从来不是看上去那样,每个女孩儿都有隐私。

    We ladies are neverwhat we appear , and every girl as her secrets .

  7. 那你们有什么结论呢?这是个秘密,我们女人间的。

    And what did you decide ? that 's a secret * between us women .

  8. 我知道你们男人懂得如何用虚情假意的言辞来蒙骗我们女人。

    I see that men still know how to beguile us women with false words .

  9. 现在轮到我们女人了。

    Now it is women 's turn .

  10. 我们女人都不是象我们看起来那样,都有自己的秘密。

    We ladies are never what we appear , and every girl has her secrets .

  11. 我们女人是两性中的弱者。

    We women are the weaker sex .

  12. 你知道,好奇是我们女人家的通病,这是真的。

    Curiosity you know is the curse of our sex , and that 's the fact .

  13. 我们女人是要团结在一起的。

    We girls gotta stick together .

  14. 教授们常说我们女人不太认真,要为自己争气。

    Professors told us women that we were not serious enough and we had to prove ourselves .

  15. 我们女人说很多话,但是我们甚至连我们知道的一半都没有说出来。

    We women do talk too much , but even then we don 't tell half we know .

  16. 我们女人总在转圈圈,有时还牵着彼此的手试着扮演对方的角色。

    We women go round and round in circles , holding hands and trying to be one another sometimes .

  17. 我们女人以后可以挣更多的钱,但我们却不一定能改变男人看待我们的态度。

    We can earn more money in the future , but I 'm not sure we can change men 's attitudes .

  18. 可能出现,也将会出现的情况是,我们女人引导男人多照看照看小孩,多做做家务。

    What may and should happen is that we teach men to spend more time looking after children and doing housework .

  19. 10.我们女人知道如何好好照顾每个人,但我们自己除外。

    10 . We women know how to take care of everybody so well . But the one person we have written out of the equation is us .

  20. 我认为在电视上的女人都是刻薄的,但我认为在现实生活中我们女人总是不得不背后捅人一刀而且对另一个女人尖酸刻薄。

    I do think that women are mean on television , but I think in real life we women have always had to backstab and be mean to other woman .

  21. 她想了一会儿,然后对她的丈夫说道,没错我们女人说的话是比你们男人的多一倍,因为她们不得不重复那些话。

    She thought about this for a while and then told her husband that women use twice as many words as men because they have to repeat everything they say .

  22. 也许男人以为女人都看过《青蛙王子》的故事并铭记在心,于是我们女人可以追寻男人的内在美而忽略男人的丑陋外表。

    Maybe men think women have all read The Frog Prince and taken it to heart , allowing us to look past an ugly exterior in the search for inner beauty .

  23. 沃尔特我们女人就是这样伤心欲绝然后视这些伤我们心的人为魔鬼别担心我还没说你坏话

    Walt , this is what we do . We get our hearts broken , and then we demonize the guys who broke up with us . Don 't worry . I 'm not bad-mouthing you yet .

  24. 那他也可以告诉我们那个女人的住处。

    Maybe he can tell us where we can find her .

  25. 我们是女人,我们的选择从来就不易。

    We 're women . Our choices are never easy .

  26. 而我们,女人们,常常在这个无形顶障之下。

    And we 're always below the glass ceiling , the women .

  27. 给一位迷惑着我们的女人。

    To a woman whose presence has captivated us .

  28. 还要带走我们的女人还有我们宝贵的金属。

    And take our women and our precious metals .

  29. 显然你不了解我们的女人。

    Clearly , you don 't know our women .

  30. 所以,我们说女人如水。

    So we regard women as water .