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  • children's hospital
  1. 这家餐厅由帕洛阿尔托附院经营,收益用来资助露西尔·帕卡德儿童医院。

    The restaurant is operated by the Palo Alto Auxiliary for the benefit of the Lucile Salter Packard Children 's Hospital .

  2. 单位:重庆医科大学儿童医院ICU。

    SETTING : Intensive Care Unit ( ICU ) of Children 's Hospital , Chongqing Medical University .

  3. 哥伦比亚大学(Columbiauniversity)的儿童医院也在考虑进行类似的研究。

    Columbia University 's children 's hospital is considering a similar study .

  4. 我儿子Dan去过圣犹大儿童医院

    Rufus : Uh , my kid , Dan goes to St. Jude 's ,

  5. 我向你保证,如果有一天和平不再需要武器来维护,我就会为儿童医院开始生产建筑材料(brick砖,beam房梁)。

    I guarantee you the day weapons are no longer needed to keep the peace , I 'll start making bricks and beams for baby hospitals .

  6. 这种尿布预计将于今年9月在加州大学旧金山分校(UniversityofCalifornia,SanFrancisco)的贝尼奥夫儿童医院(BenioffChildren'sHospital)接受测试。

    The diaper is expected to be tested at Benioff Children 's Hospital of the University of California , San Francisco this September .

  7. 她在1990年搬回美国西部(她是在奥勒冈州的波特兰市长大的)后不久,便开始在西雅图儿童医院(SeattleChildren’sHospital)开设同类课程。

    Soon after she moved back West in 1990 - she was raised in Portland , Ore. - Metzger began offering the course at Seattle Children 's Hospital .

  8. DavidHunter医生表示,在波士顿儿童医院,他作为儿科眼科医生并没有观察到儿童视力问题的增加。

    Dr. David Hunter says he has not seen an increase in his practice as a pediatric ophthalmologist at Children 's Hospital Boston .

  9. 俄亥俄州全国儿童医院(NationwideChildren'sHospital)的研究机构研发出一种通过一次注射就能增加肌肉组织的药物。

    A team at the Research Institute at Nationwide Children 's Hospital in Columbus , Ohio developed a shot that will increase muscle mass with a single injection .

  10. 澳大利亚墨尔本皇家儿童医院的GeorgePatton教授是这项研究的首席作者。

    Professor George Patton at Royal Children 's Hospital in Melbourne , Australia , was the lead author .

  11. 哈斯布罗儿童医院的JudithOwens领导了这项研究。

    Judith Owens of the Hasbro Children 's Hospital led the study .

  12. 这是众筹平台的一个项目,让IDA重建一座新的儿童医院,

    It was a global crowdfunding campaign to enable IDA to rebuild a whole new children 's hospital ,

  13. UCDavis儿童医院的护士们近来常常到家中,试图让Derek舒服一点儿。

    UC Davis Pediatric Hospice nurses now come regularly to the family 's home to try to make Derek more comfortable .

  14. 1995&2005年天津市儿童医院PICU死亡病例分析

    Analysis of dead cases in PICU of from 1995 to 2005

  15. 方法收集济南市儿童医院婴幼儿病毒性腹泻粪便标本,使用杯状病毒特异性引物对标本进行RT-PCR检测。

    Methods The fecal specimens from children with acute nonbacterial gastroenteritis were collected and HuCV in the samples were detected by reverse transcription ( RT ) - PCR .

  16. 其中有一家儿童医院,是由我在叙利亚的独立医学学会(IDA)的同事运营的。

    One of them was a children 's hospital run by my Syrian colleagues at the Independent Doctors Association , IDA .

  17. 武汉市儿童医院婴幼儿腹泻轮状病毒的VP4型别分析

    VP4 Genotype Study of Group A Rotavirus from Children with Diarrhea Isolated in Wuhan

  18. 辛辛那提儿童医院(CincinnatiChildren'sHospital)青少年手术减肥项目(SurgicalWeightLossProgramforTeens)外科主任托马斯・英格(ThomasInge)说,这个月月底他要给一个12岁的孩子做手术。

    Thomas Inge , surgical director of the Surgical Weight Loss Program for Teens at Cincinnati Children 's Hospital , says he will be operating on a 12-year-old later this month .

  19. 据美国家庭医生学会(AmericanAcademyofFamilyPhysicians)会长、美国科罗拉多州儿童医院(Children'sHospitalColorado)家庭医学科主任杰弗里?凯恩(JeffreyCain)称,这一危害往往会被忽视。

    This hazard , says Jeffrey Cain , the president of the American Academy of Family Physicians and chief of family medicine at Children 's Hospital Colorado , often goes unnoticed .

  20. 研究论文的第一作者、亚特兰大儿童医院(Children'sHealthcareofAtlanta)的儿科医生拉扎勒斯(SarahG.Lazarus)称,家长通常会根据针对年长一些的儿童的推荐剂量来进行推断。

    They often extrapolated from doses recommended for older children , said Sarah G. Lazarus , a pediatrician at Children 's Healthcare of Atlanta who was the lead author .

  21. 波士顿儿童医院(BostonChildren’sHospital)新平衡基金会肥胖预防中心(NewBalanceFoundationObesityPreventionCenter)的主管大卫·路德维希博士(DavidLudwig)说,这些发现表明,需要寻找控制体重的新方法。他没有参与这项研究。

    Dr. David Ludwig , the director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children 's Hospital , who was not involved in the research , said the findings showed the need for new approaches to weight control .

  22. 因此,波士顿儿童医院的研究人员也调查了妈妈们的饮食中一个可能会影响孩子大脑发育的成分——富含DHA的鱼。

    So the Boston researchers also examined a component in mothers ' diets that might be responsible for children 's brain development : fish , which contains DHA .

  23. 费城儿童医院(Children'sHospitalofPhiladelphia)儿科感染疾病专家格伯(JeffreyGerber)不久前带领一个研究小组考察能否改变医生们开具处方的习惯。

    Jeffrey Gerber , a pediatric infectious-disease specialist at the Children 's Hospital of Philadelphia , recently led a research team exploring whether doctors ' prescribing habits could change .

  24. 目的研究武汉市儿童医院腹泻门诊A组轮状病毒VP4基因的分子流行病学特征。

    Objective To study molecular epidemiology of VP4 genotype of group A rotavirus from children with diarrhea in Wuhan .

  25. 方法采用细胞培养和PCR两种方法检测1997年10月~1998年9月重庆医科大学附属儿童医院125例新生儿结膜炎患儿的结膜标本中的CT。

    Trachomatis in neonatal conjunctival specimens . Methods A total of 125 conjunctival scrapings taken from neonates with conjunctivitis in Children ′ s Hospital during October 1997-September 1998 was tested by the McCoy cell culture and polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) .

  26. 儿科心理医生梅丽特•詹森(MerrittJensen)与费城儿童医院泌尿科合作。

    Merritt Jensen , a pediatric psychologist , works with the division of urology at the Children 's Hospital of Philadelphia .

  27. 方法对1992~2000年长春市儿童医院肺炎患儿咽拭子及血清中分离的113株腺病毒,用随机扩增多态DNA指纹技术进行病毒核酸基因型分析。结果在小儿肺炎中腺病毒肺炎逐年减少;

    Methods The randomly amplified polymorphism DNA ( RAPD ) technology was used to analyse adenovirus genotype of 113 ADV strain isolated from the pneumonia infants in Changchun state hospital of pediatrics during 1992 - 2000 . Results The Adenovirus pneumonia is gradually reducing in children .

  28. 社区获得性耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌感染的流行:Driscoll儿童医院进行的为期14年的研究

    Epidemic of community-acquired methicil-lin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections : A 14-year study at Driscoll Children 's Hospital

  29. 今天,利物浦的球员和工作人员从他们为圣诞魔鬼赛程而进行的备战中抽出时间,去阿奥德黑(AlderHey)儿童医院的病房里给孩子们带去圣诞的欢乐祝福。

    Liverpool players and staff took time out of their preparations for the hectic Festive fixture schedule to spread some Christmas cheer around the wards of Alder Hey children 's hospital today .

  30. 我经常见到对阴茎的不满,费城儿童医院(Children’sHospitalofPhiladelphia)的小儿泌尿科医生阿西姆•舒克拉博士(AseemShukla)说。他也是宾夕法尼亚大学(UniversityofPennsylvania)佩雷尔曼医学院(PerelmanSchoolofMedicine)的副教授。

    I see dissatisfaction with the phallus very regularly , said Dr. Aseem Shukla , a pediatric urologist at Children 's Hospital of Philadelphia and associate professor of urology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania .