- children's hospital

The restaurant is operated by the Palo Alto Auxiliary for the benefit of the Lucile Salter Packard Children 's Hospital .
SETTING : Intensive Care Unit ( ICU ) of Children 's Hospital , Chongqing Medical University .
Columbia University 's children 's hospital is considering a similar study .
Rufus : Uh , my kid , Dan goes to St. Jude 's ,
I guarantee you the day weapons are no longer needed to keep the peace , I 'll start making bricks and beams for baby hospitals .
The diaper is expected to be tested at Benioff Children 's Hospital of the University of California , San Francisco this September .
Soon after she moved back West in 1990 - she was raised in Portland , Ore. - Metzger began offering the course at Seattle Children 's Hospital .
Dr. David Hunter says he has not seen an increase in his practice as a pediatric ophthalmologist at Children 's Hospital Boston .
A team at the Research Institute at Nationwide Children 's Hospital in Columbus , Ohio developed a shot that will increase muscle mass with a single injection .
Professor George Patton at Royal Children 's Hospital in Melbourne , Australia , was the lead author .
Judith Owens of the Hasbro Children 's Hospital led the study .
It was a global crowdfunding campaign to enable IDA to rebuild a whole new children 's hospital ,
UC Davis Pediatric Hospice nurses now come regularly to the family 's home to try to make Derek more comfortable .
Analysis of dead cases in PICU of from 1995 to 2005
Methods The fecal specimens from children with acute nonbacterial gastroenteritis were collected and HuCV in the samples were detected by reverse transcription ( RT ) - PCR .
One of them was a children 's hospital run by my Syrian colleagues at the Independent Doctors Association , IDA .
VP4 Genotype Study of Group A Rotavirus from Children with Diarrhea Isolated in Wuhan
Thomas Inge , surgical director of the Surgical Weight Loss Program for Teens at Cincinnati Children 's Hospital , says he will be operating on a 12-year-old later this month .
This hazard , says Jeffrey Cain , the president of the American Academy of Family Physicians and chief of family medicine at Children 's Hospital Colorado , often goes unnoticed .
They often extrapolated from doses recommended for older children , said Sarah G. Lazarus , a pediatrician at Children 's Healthcare of Atlanta who was the lead author .
Dr. David Ludwig , the director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children 's Hospital , who was not involved in the research , said the findings showed the need for new approaches to weight control .
So the Boston researchers also examined a component in mothers ' diets that might be responsible for children 's brain development : fish , which contains DHA .
Jeffrey Gerber , a pediatric infectious-disease specialist at the Children 's Hospital of Philadelphia , recently led a research team exploring whether doctors ' prescribing habits could change .
Objective To study molecular epidemiology of VP4 genotype of group A rotavirus from children with diarrhea in Wuhan .
Trachomatis in neonatal conjunctival specimens . Methods A total of 125 conjunctival scrapings taken from neonates with conjunctivitis in Children ′ s Hospital during October 1997-September 1998 was tested by the McCoy cell culture and polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) .
Merritt Jensen , a pediatric psychologist , works with the division of urology at the Children 's Hospital of Philadelphia .
Methods The randomly amplified polymorphism DNA ( RAPD ) technology was used to analyse adenovirus genotype of 113 ADV strain isolated from the pneumonia infants in Changchun state hospital of pediatrics during 1992 - 2000 . Results The Adenovirus pneumonia is gradually reducing in children .
Epidemic of community-acquired methicil-lin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections : A 14-year study at Driscoll Children 's Hospital
Liverpool players and staff took time out of their preparations for the hectic Festive fixture schedule to spread some Christmas cheer around the wards of Alder Hey children 's hospital today .
I see dissatisfaction with the phallus very regularly , said Dr. Aseem Shukla , a pediatric urologist at Children 's Hospital of Philadelphia and associate professor of urology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania .