
  • 网络children act;Child Act
  1. 2001年,马来西亚政府推出了儿童法案,旨在为儿童加强受保护的环境。

    In2001 , the government introduced the Child Act to foster a protective environment for children .

  2. 目前的法律版本是八年前布什总统签署的《不让一个儿童落后法案》(NoChildLeftBehindAct,简称NCLB)。

    The current version of the law , signed by George W. Bush eight years ago , is known as the No Child Left Behind Act .

  3. 因为那项新通过的儿童抚养法案。

    Because of the new " deadbeat dad " iaw .

  4. 共和党议员正考虑于2010年通过的儿童营养法案的重大变革。

    Republican lawmakers are considering significant changes to a child nutrition law passed in 2010 .

  5. 法国政府就同性婚姻合法化以及同性家庭收养儿童的法案进行审议。

    The French government is taking up a controversial bill to legalize same-sex marriage and adoption .

  6. 1991年,她促使其所在地区的议员提交了《国家儿童保护法案》,拟建立一个包含所有虐童罪犯的数据库。

    In1991 she had her congressman put forward a National Child Protection Act to create a database of all convicted child abusers .

  7. 布什政府于2001年出台的教育法&《不让一个儿童掉队法案》建立了“阅读为先”项目。

    The Bush administration 's education law , the No Child Left Behind Act of Two Thousand One , established Reading First .

  8. 英国就业与退休部门一位发言人说:“我们的《儿童贫困法案》将致力于帮助现任及以后的政府在2020年前消灭儿童贫困。”

    A spokesman for the Department for Work and Pensions said : " Our Child Poverty Bill will commit this and successive governments to eradicating child poverty by2020 . "

  9. 1925年,美国国会颁布了《全美残疾儿童教育法案》,这保证了美国所有3岁至21岁的孩子都享有免费的、适当的教育。

    In1925 the US congress passed the Education for All Handicapped Children Act which guarantees a free and appropriate education to all children in the US between the ages of3 and21 .

  10. 去年2月,议会议员多数票支持对儿童和家庭法案的工党的修正案,包括调整为简单包装的权力。

    MPs voted overwhelmingly in favour of Labour amendments to the children and families bill last February that included the power to regulate for plain packaging .

  11. 而随后也颁布了对于学龄前儿童的相关法案。

    Similar rules for preschool soon followed .

  12. 正如NPR的记者报道的那样,美国联邦贸易委员会正在更新一项为期99年的法律,它叫做儿童在线隐私保护法案。

    as NPR 's M.C reports the FTC is updating a 99 's year-ruled law , called the children 's On-line Privacy Protection Act .

  13. 另一个棘手的问题便是脸谱网会如何遵守《儿童网络隐私权法案》(COPPA),该法案旨在对13岁以下使用因特网的儿童进行保护。

    There is also the thorny question of how Facebook could comply with the Children 's Online Privacy Protection Act ( COPPA ) in America , which was designed to protect children under 13 as they use the internet .