
  • 网络Heroic Son and Daughter
  1. 对《新儿女英雄传》的再解读

    Further Understanding on " New Biography of Heroes and Heroines "

  2. 《儿女英雄传》中的动结式研究

    A Study of the Resultative Verb Compounds in The Heroic Offspring

  3. 《儿女英雄传》中的副词才

    The Adverb " Cai " on the Heroic Sons and Daughters of a Manchurian Family

  4. 《儿女英雄传》中产生于近代汉语的副词研究

    The Study on Adverbs Created in Modern Chinese Language in Legend of Heroes and Heroines

  5. 百年来对《儿女英雄传》的研究综述

    The Synthetical Study on The Heroic Sons and Daughters of a Manchurian Family since a Hundred Years

  6. 但是,《儿女英雄传》的满族文化整体研究基本上还是一个空白。满族文化史的研究,是对满族文化遗存从点到面、聚点成面的系统研究。

    But the study of the Manchurian culture of the works is the blank on the whole .

  7. 儒家伦理影响下的家庭结构&以《儿女英雄传》为例

    The Family Structure under the Impact of the Confucian Ethics & A Case Study of The Story of Children Heroes

  8. 论《红楼梦》与《儿女英雄传》的异同

    On the Similarities and Differences between " A Dream of Red Mansions " and " Sons and Daughters of Heroes "

  9. 本文主要叙述《儿女英雄传》中的状态词在写人状物方面的修辞和语用功能。

    The paper explores the role of descriptive word on rhetoric and description takes the famous novel " Gallant Maids " as a case .

  10. 在现在常见的《儿女英雄传》版本中,《缘起首回》有着非常重要的作用和无可替代的地位。

    Origin from First Chapter plays an important role and has an irreplaceable position in the common edition of Hero Biography of Sons and Daughters .

  11. 情与理的不同彰显&《儿女英雄传》与《红楼梦》悲喜异态原因新探

    Love and Rationality & Cause of Sadness and Happiness in " The Biography of the Heroic Youth " and " A Dream of Red Mansion "

  12. 从《红楼梦》《儿女英雄传》看给对与的取代

    A Study on the Replacement of " YU " by " GEI " Based on Their Occurrences in A Dream of Red Mansions and The Heroic Offspring

  13. 文章运用现代语言学中的分布分析法和语义指向分析法考察分析了《儿女英雄传》中的动结式。

    In the light of modern linguistic theories of distributional analysis and semantic orientation analysis , this article offers a preliminary study of the resultative verb compounds in the novel .

  14. 长篇小说《儿女英雄传》采用的是19世纪中叶的北京话,在近代汉语的研究中具有重要的地位。

    Written in the Peking dialect of the middle of the nineteenth century , The Heroic Offspring is a famous novel with an important position in the research of Modern Chinese .

  15. 从显形主题来看,《新儿女英雄传》是一部契合主流意识形态话语要求的文本,这是它所以风行当时的主要动因;

    To the dominance theme ," New Biography of Heroes and Heroines " complies with the speech requirement of leading ideology , which , to much extent , accounts for its popularity .

  16. 晚清官僚董恂任总理各国事务大臣期间,曾评点长篇通俗章回小说《儿女英雄传》。

    During his term of office as the Foreign Affairs Minister in the later Qing Dynasty , Dong Xun commented on The Biography of the Heroic Youth , a popular and traditional novel .

  17. 董恂对《儿女英雄传》的思想内容、艺术特征诸要素(人物形象塑造、谋篇布局、写作方式和技法、语言特色等)作了逐一评点。

    Dong concretely analyzed the novel 's assorted factors in its thinking content and artistic features , such as characterization , chapter arrangement , writing style and skills , language pattern and so on .

  18. 通过对《儿女英雄传》中纳妾、婚礼仪式等的分析,阐明儒家伦理中的礼教观念和以儒家伦理为核心的大众文化心理。

    In The Story of Children Heroes , this paper attempts to clarify " the feudal ethics " notion in the Confucian moral principles and the mentality of popular culture with the Confucian ethics as the core .

  19. 《儿女英雄传》与《红楼梦》这种差异产生的原因,与崇武尚侠的汉民族文化心理有关,而不能仅仅归结为时世或所谓民族劣根性。

    This article lays emphasis on the causes that are connected with the Chinese cultural mentality of worshipping Wushu and Chivalrous persons , but not simply attributed to the time and society , and the so-called national inferiority mantality .

  20. 文章以《儿女英雄传》为例,从父亲的地位和礼的的地位两个角度阐述中国儒家伦理影响下的家庭结构。

    Through a case study of The Story of Children Heroes , this paper aims to elaborate on the family structure under the impact of Confucian ethics in terms of " the status of Father " and " the status of rites " .

  21. 通过上述描写分析,总结出一般性的规律,论证《儿女英雄传》在汉语史上的重要地位,为汉语史研究提供一点可资借鉴的材料。

    On the base of the description and analysis above , Sum up the general laws , and demonstrate the important position of Legend of Heroes and Heroines in Chinese History , thus provide some reference materials for the study of Chinese History .

  22. 论文分析小说中所谓英雄至性与儿女真情之间关系的真正内涵,以确定其主旨所在,进而认识和澄清《儿女英雄传》研究中长期存在并争议较大的一些问题。

    The author analyses the real connotation of so called the true quality of a hero and genuine love between man and woman in order to identify the gist of the novel and to understand and clarify some long-term existing and controversial problems .