
  1. 对外经济贸易大学设有14个学院和2个直属系,设有研究生部和体育部,共有25个本科专业、14个博士点、39个硕士点、两个博士后流动站两个国家级重点学科和一个国家级人文社科研究基地。

    UIBE consists of over 14 academic schools , 2 direct departments apart from postgraduate department and physical education department . It has 25 undergraduate programs , 14 doctoral programs , 39 master programs , 2 post doctorate stations , 2 state key disciplines and 1 state research base of social sciences .

  2. 一个省部共建人文社科重点研究基地,9个省高校人文社会科学重点研究基地。

    and 9 higher institutions key research bases for the study of humanities and social sciences of Henan Province .

  3. 学校现有国家重点(专业)实验室13个,国家工程研究中心2个,国家技术中心2个,国家人文社科重点研究基地3个。

    Under its administration there are 13 National Key Laboratories , 2 National Engineering Research Centers , 3 National Engineering Technology Centers , 3 National Key Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences .