
  1. 人造卫星运动的相对论效应初步探索

    A Primary Relativity Probe on the Motion of an Artifical Satellite

  2. 扁球旋转大气阻力对人造卫星运动的影响

    The Drag Exerted by an Oblate Rotating Atmosphere on an Artificial Satellite

  3. 人造卫星运动中平均根数的解法

    The solution of the mean elements in the motion of artificial earth satellite

  4. 地球引力场中高阶带谐函数对人造卫星运动的影响

    The effect of higher zonal harmonics in the earth 's gravitational field on the movement of the artificial satellites

  5. 描述人造卫星运动的微分方程非常复杂,不可能给出解的解析表达式。

    The differential equations that describe the artificial satellite motion are very complicated , and it is impossible to get the analytic express of solution .

  6. 本文在考虑相对论效应的前提下,研究了地球形状对人造卫星运动的影响。

    In this paper , presupposing relativistic effects , the author analyzes the influence of the form of the earth on the motion of the man-made satellite .

  7. 首先,目前在卫星动力学中常用的所有人造卫星运动方程的数值解法有待改进的最重要的问题就是稳定性问题。

    First , now in all common numerical methods for the satellite dynamics equations the most important problem that needs to be improved is stability problem . Exercise .

  8. 本文使用了天文方法建立了人造卫星运动的数学模型,给出了一种只使用单站短弧段测角数据对人造卫星轨道进行高精度预测的算法。

    Dynamic model of satellite is built up with astronomic method , and a short-arch forecast arithmetic of satellite orbit in short arch with single site is given , which is of high precision when only angle data is available .

  9. 当主星m1辐射较强,小天体m的有效面质比较大时,这种辐射作用不可忽视,例如太阳光压对人造地球卫星运动的影响。

    When the radiation of one primary body m 1 is very strong and the ERAM is also very large , the radiation pressure can 't be ignored , such as the effect of the solar light pressure on artificial satellites ' orbiting .

  10. 人造地球卫星运动中的共振问题

    On the resonance problem in the motion of the artifical earth satellite

  11. 人造地球卫星运动理论

    Theory of artificial satellite motion

  12. 人造月球卫星的运动及其稳定性

    On the motion of artificial lunar satellites

  13. 此种算法在连续多帧做任意运动的流星、人造卫星以及其他运动目标的光学检测与跟踪中应用广泛。

    The algorithm is useful for optically detecting meteors , satellites , and other moving targets which move in an arbitrary path across many frames of data .