
rén mǎ
  • troops;forces
人马 [rén mǎ]
  • (1) [forces]∶全部兵力

  • 两军人马杂遝。--清. 薛福成《观巴黎油画记》

  • 全部人马已安全渡江

  • (2) [troops]∶指军队,泛指某集体的成员

  • 人马烧溺死者甚众。--宋. 司马光《资治通鉴》

人马[rén mǎ]
  1. 刘备带一千人马作后援。

    Liu Bei was given 1000 troops as the back up force .

  2. 他加班加点地工作,力图集结人马,加速货币化进程。

    He has worked overtime to rally his troops to the cause of monetization .

  3. 大队人马随后就到。

    The main force will arrive soon .

  4. 外交政策重量级人马正在激辩与中国发展新g2的优点与危险。

    Foreign-policy heavyweights are furiously debating the virtues and dangers of developing a new " g2 " with china .

  5. 两队人马厮打了起来。

    The two teams started to tussle with each other .

  6. 公爵夫人在大批随从人马的簇拥下到达了。

    The duchess arrived , surrounded by her retinue of servants .

  7. 半人马掠夺者在支援射击时不受惩罚

    Centaurs – marauders does not have penalty when shooting into support .

  8. 也难怪父母匆匆忙忙就把他送到了半人马学校。

    No wonder he had soon been hustled away to centaur school .

  9. 今年8月,一队人马在伦敦西区曾清除了一个波音747客机大小的肥球。

    In August , a team removed a Boeing-747 sized fatberg in Shepherd 's Bush Roads West London .

  10. 人马用烧鼠尾草产生的火焰和烟雾来提炼他们观星的结果(凤凰社,第27章)

    Centaurs burn this , observing the fumes and flames to refine the results of their stargazing ( OP27 ) .

  11. 一个内部不团结的总统班子当然没有心情庆祝独立日了。这里的presidency指的是总统手下的一班人马。

    Imploding presidency is no mood for celebration on Independence Day .

  12. 但Facebook要做到这一点,其掌门人马科•扎克伯格就需要史蒂夫•乔布斯式的想象力。

    But for Facebook to do this , Mark Zuckerberg will need the kind of imagination that Steve Jobs had .

  13. 这颗不同寻常的地外行星被命名为HD131399Ab,它位于南方巨大的人马星座上,距地球320光年。

    Known as HD 131399Ab , the unusual exoplanet is located 320 light-years from Earth in the large southern constellation Centaurus .

  14. 现在弗格森爵士的人马要把精力转向国内了。周日在OT将进行曼城德比。

    Attentions now turn to domestic matters when Sir Alex 's men entertain Manchester neighbours City at Old Trafford on Sunday .

  15. 几周前,伦敦证交所(lse)的一班人马肩负着一项不同寻常的使命飞抵芝加哥。

    A few weeks ago a team from the London Stock Exchange flew to Chicago on an unusual mission .

  16. Cougars带了大批人马,但是已经晚了,Luck现在有机会了,Winslow被撞了,希望他还好。

    Cougars bring extra people late , but Luck has time , and Winslow is crushed . I hope he 's all right .

  17. 格林伯格被英国人马丁o沙利文(MartinSullivan)取代,而他现在仍身陷前纽约州总检查长艾略特o斯皮策(EliotSpitzer)提起的民事欺诈诉讼之中。

    Mr Greenberg , who remains embroiled in a civil fraud lawsuit brought by Eliot Spitzer , the former New York attorney-general , was replaced by Martin Sullivan , a Briton .

  18. 当年A4处理器公布的时候,人们最关心的问题是这款处理器的设计工作有多少是真正由其收购的设计团队,特别是PASemi的那一帮人马,来完成的?

    At the time the A4 was announced , the burning question was how much of the design could be attributed to acquired design teams , especially PA Semi since they had been inside Apple longest .

  19. 夏威夷的情况并不是孤立的,明尼苏达州大学(UniversityofMinnesota)电气工程及计算机工程教授、电气电子工程师学会(InstituteofElectricalandElectronicsEngineers)智能电网项目负责人马苏德·阿明(MassoudAmin)说。

    Hawaii 's case is not isolated , said Massoud Amin , a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Minnesota and chairman of the smart grid program at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers , a technical association .

  20. 观致汽车成立时,他集结了一支由欧洲工程师组成的精锐人马,其中包括宝马(BMW)前设计师何歌特(GertHildebrand)和曾执掌大众(Volkswagen)北美业务的石清仁(VolkerSteinwascher)。

    Mr Ofer , who also chaired collapsed electric-car venture Better Place , assembled a crack team of European engineers , including former BMW designer Gert Hildebrandand Volker Steinwascher , once head of Volkswagen in North America .

  21. 小米印度分公司负责人马努•贾因(ManuJain)表示,小米尚未接到法院方面关于裁决的正式通知,但公司法律团队正“对目前的形势进行评估”。

    Manu Jain , head of Xiaomi in India , said the group had not received official notification of the ruling from the court , but that its legal team was " evaluating the situation . "

  22. 忽然杀出一队人马,他们获得了冠军。

    A team came out of nowhere and won the championship .

  23. 当然,我早就知道你是人马座。

    Of course , I knew that Sagittarius was your ascendant .

  24. 雷军当时说,有必要,然后集结了一队人马。

    Mr Lei said it was , and assembled a team .

  25. 那你对这一组人马有何看法?

    But what do you think is special about this group ?

  26. 巴基斯坦人马座工程电气接地系统优化设计

    Optimization Design of Electrical Grounding System for Centaurus Project in Pakistan

  27. 你可以看到双方人马旗鼓相当。

    You can see over here that the people are represented .

  28. 我已经花大代价准备了额外的人马和资源。

    I secured additional men and resources at great personal expense .

  29. 人马族被逼的走投无路,只好逃到了奇伦的家中。

    They had to escape to the home of Chiron .

  30. 他们大概已经派了几队人马在找我们了。

    They 've probably got teams of people on us .