
  • 网络chiron;Kyron
  1. 迷幻的海王、治愈的凯龙以及跳脱的天王本月都在逆行,给你带来了改变生活状态的机会。

    The retrograde motions of compassionate Neptune , healing Chiron , and awakener Uranus throughout this month offer you a chance to process and internalize recent life-changing events .

  2. 由于海王与凯龙星在你收入宫首次联手一整周,这会替你事业上注定强大的一周提供一个基础或场景。

    With Neptune and Chiron spending their first full week aligned in your income sector , they 'll provide the foundation or the backdrop to what is destined to be a very powerful professional week .

  3. 这里的地皮原本属于凯龙政府铁路局,后来,岳父长期承租了这片土地。

    The land had belonged to the then Ceylon Government Railway , but his father-in-law had acquired possession as a long-standing tenant .

  4. 对于全体金牛来说,有的能量很不错(木星部分),有的让费解(海王星),还有一些让深受启发(凯龙星部分)。

    For all Taureans , some of the energy is likely to feel great ( the Jupiter part ), some of it confusing ( the Neptune part ) and some of it enlightening ( the Chiron part ) .