
  1. 获胜者凯旋而归时受到了热烈欢迎。

    The winners were given an enthusiastic welcome when they arrived home .

  2. 队员像凯旋而归的英雄一样受到了人们的欢迎。

    The team members were greeted like conquering heroes .

  3. 获胜的部队凯旋而归。

    The victorious army returned in triumph .

  4. 荀息捧着璧玉,牵着骏马,凯旋而归,把这两件国宝奉还给了晋王。

    Carrying the round jade and leading the fme horse , Xun Xi returned in triumph and gave them back to the King of Jin .

  5. 每次购物凯旋而归时,你感受到的欢愉都是真真切切存在的。

    The pleasure you feel from every shopping victory is real .

  6. 得意洋洋的的这位打了胜仗的将军凯旋而归。

    triumphant . The victorious general made a triumphant return .

  7. 热烈祝贺南极考察团凯旋而归!

    Congratulate the South Pole investigation term returns in triumph !

  8. 这支足球队在访问欧洲后凯旋而归。

    The football team came back from its Europe tour with flying colours .

  9. 这位打了胜仗的将军凯旋而归。

    The victorious general made a triumphant return .

  10. 球队凯旋而归。

    The winning team returned home in triumph .

  11. 他们说那意味着罗柏将从南方凯旋而归。

    They say it means Robb will win a great victory in the South .

  12. 一切都会顺利的我们会在你知悉前凯旋而归的。

    It will be all right . we 'll be back before you know it .

  13. 在这个夏天从德国凯旋而归之后,尤文队长站到了人生分岔口上。

    Following this summer 's triumph in Germany , the captain had some big choices to make .

  14. 在那之后的摩纳哥站,迈凯轮凯旋而归,阿隆索获得头名,汉密尔顿位居次席。

    The race after that , in Monaco , McLaren was back , with Alonso first and Hamilton second .

  15. 英雄的爱人凯旋而归,此时此刻我们开香槟,跳起华尔兹庆祝吧!

    Hero 's wife made a triumphant return , this time we have champagne , danced the waltz to celebrate it !

  16. 这是一场冒险之旅:一个人挥别了同胞,踏上了让人胆战心惊的旅程,随后像英雄一样凯旋而归。

    It was an adventure : a man separating from his kind , undertaking a terrifying journey , returning as a hero .

  17. 已被公认为法国人民领袖的戴高乐将军凯旋而归,来到了巴黎圣母院接受市民的感恩赞美诗。

    General de Gaulle , now universally recognized as the leader of the French people , drove in triumph to Notre Dame for the Te Deum of thanksgiving .

  18. 胜者凯旋而归时就要推倒城墙,因为他们认为这样的一个城市不需要城墙来自卫。

    City walls were torn down when victors returned home , as a city of such men was said to be in no need for walls to defend itself .

  19. 看到蜘蛛捕捉苍蝇的情景,看到蚂蚁大军扛着一只巨大的死甲虫凯旋而归的景象,谁能不倍感敬畏呢?

    Who has not stood in awe at the sight of a spider pouncing on a fly , or a column of anTS triumphantly bearing home an enormous dead beetle ?

  20. 他是多么热切盼望爸爸能凯旋而归,把那顶象征着和平的“蓝盔”戴在自己的头上。

    He is how eager look forward to father can triumphal and return , the " of " blue armet that indicative peace wears the head in oneself to go up .

  21. 周一,现年34岁的罗拉尔多正式宣布退役,他曾三次获得世界足球先生,他精湛的射球技艺,让巴西在2002年捧得世界杯冠军凯旋而归。

    SAO PAULO ( AFP )– Three-time FIFA World Player of the Year Ronaldo , whose goalscoring genius led Brazil to the2002 World Cup title , confirmed his retirement on Monday at the age of34 .