
  • 网络Celtic Lore
  1. 就像古老的凯尔特传说中的那只鸟,把荆棘刺入自己的胸膛,吟唱着把最后一滴血流尽。

    Like the old Celtic legend of the bird with the thorn in its breast , singing its heart out and dying .

  2. 束。人们还认为苹果是来自灵界的神奇水果——阿瓦隆(凯尔特族传说中的西方乐土岛),据说亚瑟王就长眠于此。它的意思是“苹果的岛屿”。

    It was also believed that apples were magical fruit from the spirit realm - Avalon , where King Arthur is said to lie , means " Isle of Apples . "

  3. 今年最杰出的动画电影不是出自梦工厂,也不是出自皮克斯,而是出自卡通沙龙动画工作室。这家爱尔兰电影工作室专注于凯尔特民间传说和风格化的手绘平面艺术。

    The year 's finest animated film doesn 't come from Dreamworks or Pixar , but from Cartoon Saloon , an Irish studio specialising in Celtic folklore and stylised hand-drawn 2D art .