
  • 网络Merlin
  1. 英国魔幻冒险电视剧《梅林传奇》在很多年轻中国观众的闲暇时间陪伴着他们,其中大学生尤其多。

    Merlin , the British fantasy-adventure television program , plays a large role in many young Chinese audiences ' spare time , especially among colleague students .

  2. 比如,腾讯拥有超过500集英剧的播放权,其中包括《神秘博士》《皮囊》和《梅林传奇》。

    Tencent , for example , owns the screening rights for more than 500 episodes of British dramas , including smash hits such as Doctor Who , Skins and Merlin .

  3. 不少衍生剧如《梅林传奇之魔法秘境》(2009)和《梅林和亚瑟的前世今生》(2009)因为原剧的原因而在中国观众中也享有很高的人气。

    The derivative videos , such as Merlin : Secrets & Magic ( 2009 ) and The Real Merlin and Arthur ( 2009 ) also enjoy high popularity due to people 's love of the original TV episodes .