
jī dàn ɡēnɡ
  • steamed egg custard
  1. 不过我个人觉得,如果宝宝消化较好,每天都可以吃鸡蛋羹。

    But I personally feel that , if the baby digest better custard eating chicken every day .

  2. 当然可以,先生。我建议点「鸡蛋羹」那是加鸡肉、虾、仁蒸的蛋羹。噢,天哪!有巧克力、蛋羹和鸡蛋。

    W : Certainly , sir . I would recommend the Chawanmushi . It 's an egg custard with chicken , shrimp and gingko nuts . Chocolate and custard and eggs , oh my !