
  • 网络Cream Soup
  1. 我们有清汤和奶油汤供您选择。

    We have clear and cream soup at your choice .

  2. 由菜泥制成的浓稠的奶油汤。

    A thick cream soup made of pureed vegetables .

  3. 您喜欢清汤还是奶油汤?

    N : Do you prefer a consomm é or a cream soap ?

  4. 甲壳类动物制成的稠的奶油汤。

    A thick cream soup made from shellfish .

  5. 有清汤和奶油汤,喜欢哪种?

    We have clear and cream soup at your choice . Which one do you prefer ?

  6. 点汤时,谨记奶油汤的脂肪和热量比清汤高。

    When choosing a soup , keep in mind that cream-based soups are higher in fat and calories than broth-based soups .

  7. 我忘了我要做的是奶油蛋蛋汤!

    Oh , yeah , I-I totally forgot the nut squash !

  8. 我们有鸡肉面汤、意大利通心粉汤和奶油蘑菇汤。

    We have chicken noodle , minestrone , and cream of mushroom .

  9. 我给您推荐几个菜吧:奶油西红柿汤,蘑菇汁牛排。

    May I suggest cream of tomato soup , steak with mushroom gravy .

  10. 请来份奶油鸡丝汤。

    A chicken cream soup , please .

  11. 好,我要奶油菠菜汤。卡莉,你想不想试一试?

    Yes , I take the Creamed Spinach Soup . Carrie , do you also want to give it a try ?

  12. 有新鲜芦笋,奶油洋葱汤,面包和罕见的人工饲养牛肉的晚餐,是复杂的但绝对美味。

    Dinner of fresh asparagus , cream of onion soup , warm bread and rare , hand-reared beef was sophisticated but not pretentious and utterly delicious .

  13. 利克阴暗地认为,像我这样图省事的人不是在追逐健康的、不省事的、真正的食物,而是被餐馆、外卖、“罐装奶油蘑菇汤”以及她所说的“偶尔的冷冻食物晚餐”这样的猎食者吓倒了。

    Instead of hunting down healthful , real , inconvenient food , dinner-shirkers like myself are menaced , in Leake 's dark vision , by such predators as restaurants , takeout , " cans of cream of mushroom soup " and what she calls " even the occasional frozen dinner . "

  14. 奶油洋葱海鲜汤。

    B : It 's cream of onion soup with seafood .

  15. 稠(通常呈奶油状)汤。

    Thick ( often creamy ) soup .