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shì nǚ
  • virgin;unmarried girl
室女 [shì nǚ]
  • [unmarried girl] 旧指没有出嫁的女子

室女[shì nǚ]
  1. 我生于室女宫和天秤宫会切的时辰。

    I was born on the cusp between Virgo and Libra .

  2. 室女座Ax的光电观测及光度解

    Photoelectric Observations and Photometric Analysis of Ax Vir

  3. 半相接双星室女座UW轨道周期变化的物理机制研究

    The Investigation of Physical Mechanisms for Orbital Period Changes of the Semidetached Binary UW Vir

  4. 室女座是过于敏感,只有当它的实际是敏感。

    Virgo is sensitive too , only if it 's practical to be sensitive .

  5. 我好几个朋友都是室女座的。

    Several of my friends are virgoans .

  6. 是两只天鹅在室女星座的相逢。

    Two swans meeting on the Jungfrau .

  7. 如果我们最终可以开拓宇宙的一角为生存地,比如室女座超星系团

    If we could eventually colonize a chunk of the universe -- the Virgo supercluster --

  8. 亲爱的室女座,开心一点。

    Be happy , dear Virgo .

  9. 完美主义是室女星座人的一种特征。

    Perfectionism is a Virgoan trait .

  10. 但是我们只看到一团相互作用的星系,成为室女座星系团。

    But we see mostly one large intervening cluster of galaxies , called the Virgo cluster .

  11. 该星系(或是银河系,根据上下文确定)也许比室女星座中心近或者远20%。

    The galaxy could be as much as 20 percent nearer or farther than Virgo 's core .

  12. 金融智慧将不得不让位于现实主义-尤其是土星在室女座了。

    The financial ingenuity will have to give way to realism – especially with Saturn now in Virgo .

  13. 星团中的星星是室女A星系的一部分,离地球大约5千万光年远。

    Its thousands of stars had been part of the M87 galaxy , about 50 million light-years away .

  14. 说明:室女座星系团是距离我们银河系最近的星系团。

    Explanation : The Virgo Cluster of Galaxies is the closest cluster of galaxies to our Milky Way Galaxy .

  15. 在其他夜里,不同的信号会让你知道你正在看室女座最亮的星。

    On other nights , different telltale signs let you know that you 're looking at Virgo 's brightest star .

  16. 在这幅美丽的夜景中,金星左上方与火星并列的是室女座阿尔法星“角宿一”;

    Along with Mars , the still beautiful vista includes Spica , alpha star of the constellation Virgo , above and left of Venus .

  17. 双子星座号飞船如果你生日属于宝瓶座、双子座或室女座,星期三是你的幸运日。

    Gemini spacecraft If your birth date is in the sign of Aquarius , Gemini , or Virgo , Wednesday is your lucky day .

  18. 室女团盘星系自转向量的分布Ⅰ.室女天区310个盘星系的表

    Distribution of the Spin Vectors of the Disk Galaxies of the Virgo Cluster . ⅰ . The Catalogue of 310 Disk Galaxies in the Virgo Area

  19. 如果您要请人洗西装,只要把它同填好的洗衣单一起放在畲洗室女服务员看得见的地方就行了。

    If you want to have your suit clean , just leave it in your closet with the laundry slip where the maid can see it .

  20. 咱们都知道当海王星在室女宫的时候会怎么样,以及诸如此类的事。这是过去的星象理论。可当鲁珀特上升的时候又会怎么样?

    We all knew ( apparently ) what happened when Neptune was in Virgo , and so on , but what about when Rupert was rising ?

  21. 我们和室女座之间质量趋于减慢我们银河后退,如预期的依照大约百分之十的哈勃定律那样。

    The mass between us and Virgo tends to decelerate the recession of our galaxy , as expected according to Hubble 's law by about ten percent .

  22. 土星在室女座会注重太多细节,土星为室女座的条理性带来了压力。

    Saturn in Virgo shows over concern for the details because the tendency of Saturn towards perfection puts too much weight on Virgo 's natural sense of order .

  23. 女性本身与本家的关系这一部分主要探讨的是财产问题,即在室女和分得的本家财产和户绝状况下出嫁女可分得的本家财产。

    Women have nothing to do with his this part mainly discusses the relationship between the property question , namely in virgo and the share of his property and no cases married female share of his property .

  24. 第二部分为对本家财产的继承,这一章分为三小节,分别论述了在室女获取嫁资、继承户绝财产和承分遗嘱的情况。

    The second part is the inheritance of her families ' property . This chapter is divided into three sections that were discussed the situation of the girl for dowry ; inherit family property and the contractors must sub-wills .

  25. 绿色也是出生属于宝瓶座和摩羯座的人的幸运色。如果你生日属于宝瓶座、双子座或室女座,星期三是你的幸运日。

    It is also a lucky color for those born under the sign of Aquarius and Capricorn . If your birth date is in the sign of Aquarius , Gemini , or Virgo , Wednesday is your lucky day .

  26. 原因是土星是循规蹈矩的行星,第一宫代表相貌与人格,而室女座则代表整洁。

    This is because Saturn , a disciplined planet , is in the house of physical appearance planet , is in the house of physical appearance and personality , under the sign of Virgo , which is associated with tidiness .

  27. 例如,某人出生时在天宫图上土星位于地表第一宫、室女座,占星术士可能说此人在穿戴和生活习惯上有洁癖。

    For example , suppose that Saturn was located in the first house in the horoscope and in the sign of Virgo . An astrologer would probably conclude that the person was extremely neat both in manner of dress and habits .

  28. 火星通常会在一个宫位里呆两个月,但是由于最近逆行,它会在你的宫位里呆足足八个月,从去年十月中旬开始,一直到今年六月才会移驾室女宫。

    Mars is usually in a sign for about two months , but because of its current retrograde , it will spend a total of eight months in your sign , having entered in mid-October and moving on to Virgo in June .