
shì yǒu
  • roommate
  1. 迈克尔的室友表面上还算友善。

    Michael 's roommate had been pleasant on a superficial level

  2. 我的室友在设计机器人方面是个内行。

    My roommate is adept at designing robots .

  3. 吸烟者和不吸烟者被配对儿成为室友。

    Smokers and nonsmokers are paired up as roommates .

  4. 和室友保持良好关系是明智的。

    It is sensible to keep a good relationship with your roommates .

  5. 她重重的关门声把其他室友都吵醒了。

    Her banging roused the other roommates .

  6. 我们得安静点,免得吵醒其他室友。

    We 'll have to be quiet so as not to wake the other roommates .

  7. 自从室友的手镯不见以后,乔伊斯一直受到怀疑。

    Joyce has been under a cloud since her roommate 's Bracelet disappeared .

  8. 我们是室友。

    We two share a room .

  9. 大约14%的年轻人或独自居住,或成为单身父母,或与一个或更多室友同住。

    Some 14 % of young adults lived alone , were a single parent or lived with one or more roommates .

  10. 一旦你清楚自己的原因,告诉你的家人或室友你想做的改变。

    Once you are clear about your reason , tell your family or roommates about the change you want to make .

  11. 告别学生时代,许多人会在当地平价、气氛友好的小酒吧喝上最后一杯,和长期相处的室友握手,之后告别狭小的公寓走进高楼里。

    As they left student life behind , many had a last drink at their cheap but friendly local bar , shook hands with longtime roommates , and last out of small apartments into high buildings .

  12. 富兰克林问我和我的新室友相处得怎么样。

    Franklin asked me how I was getting along with my new roommate .

  13. 杰森的室友马克给了我们他们公寓的钥匙。

    Mark , Jason 's roommate , gave us the key to their apartment .

  14. 朱红说新室友给她的感觉好坏参半。

    Zhu Hong said she has mixed feelings about her new flatmate .

  15. 我的室友来自纽约。

    My roommate is from New York .

  16. 你的室友长得像什么样子呢?

    What is your roommate like ?

  17. 我在室友大声喊叫寻求帮助时,我置若罔闻的话,我永远不会原谅自己。

    e.g. I 'll never forgive myself for turning a deaf ear when my roommate was clearly crying out for help .

  18. 我们放音乐的声音太大,把室友吵醒了,她满脸怒气地走进客厅。

    My flatmate came into the sitting room with a face like thunder when we woke her up by playing music too loudly .

  19. okay不错的A:你喜欢你的新室友吗?

    A : How do you like your new roommate ?

  20. 我是JUSTIN--JOHN的室友?

    Yeah , I 'm Justin . John 's roommate ?

  21. 洛杉矶一名渴望成功的rap歌手谋杀了自己的室友,并吞下了他一部分的肺。

    Human flesh : An aspiring rap star in Los Angeles murdered his roommate and ate part of her lung .

  22. 贝尔及其大学室友丹•希尔(DanHill)2004年提出了Ragnar比赛的设想,当时两人正在杨百翰大学(BrighamYoungUniversity)读大三。

    Bell and his college roommate Dan Hill came up with the idea for Ragnar when they were juniors at Brigham Young University in 2004 .

  23. 我大三和大四时,在EastAdams街尽头和四位室友分租一栋五间卧室的公寓,其中一位名叫Chris的室友主修戏剧。

    My junior and senior years at Syracuse , I shared a five-bedroom apartment at the top of East Adams with four roommates , one of whom was a fellow theater major named Chris .

  24. 乔•格林是扎克伯格在哈佛大学(Havard)的室友,他创办了慈善社交网站Causes,该网站开发的应用程序目前在Facebook上运行。

    " Google + was impressive ," says Joe Green , one of Zuckerberg 's Harvard roommates and the founder of Causes , an application built to run on Facebook .

  25. 自金融危机以来,每一个mba学生和他们的室友似乎都套着一件连帽衫参加创业大赛,试图为他们微不足道的应用构想赢得资金。

    Since the financial crisis , every MBA student and their flatmate seems to have been donning a hoodie and entering a pitch contest to secure funding for their two-bit app concept .

  26. 他的室友们猜想,他现在可能正在手提电脑前面,梳理Diaspora的测试版。

    Perhaps he was now parked in front of his laptop , his roommates reasoned , hammering on the beta build of diaspora .

  27. 自2004年以来,该公司一直为私人所有,当时马克·扎克伯格和几名室友在哈佛大学创业办了Facebook。

    The company has been privately held since two thousand four . That was when Mark Zuckerberg and several classmates at Harvard University started Facebook as a business . But on May eighteenth , Facebook becomes a publicly traded company .

  28. 在约定搬家日期临近之时,室友帕特(Pat)非常遗憾地告诉我,在我们看过房子以后,花园已经被夷为平地。

    As the agreed moving-in date approached , my roommate Pat reported with great disappointment that the lush garden had been decimated since we 'd last seen the place , and reduced to bare earth .

  29. 加入Sam'Club或Costco,设立“购物日”与室友一起购物,买大分量的食物。然后分摊账单。

    Invest in a membership to Sam 's Club or Costco , set up shopping days with your roommates , and buy in bulk .

  30. 《娱乐周刊》的MichaelAusiello透露,托尼奖的获得者林-曼努尔·米兰达将在《豪斯医生》第六季开头几集扮演豪斯在疯人院中的室友!

    According to Michael Ausiello at EW , Tony winner Lin-Manuel Miranda has been cast as House 's roommate in the loony bin for the first couple of season 6 episodes .