
  • 网络Interior design;INTERIOR ENVIRONMENT DESIGN;Interior Enviromental Design
  1. 室内环境设计与装饰装修

    Interior enviromental design and decoration maintenance

  2. 关于室内环境设计思维方法的探讨

    Research on the Method of Thinking of Interior Environment Design

  3. 文章主要研究以温泉为依托的温泉度假酒店室内环境设计和温泉SPA环境设计。

    The article researches on hot-spring resort hotel interior design and SPA Environmental Design based on the hot-springs .

  4. 现代室内环境设计要素剖析(下)

    Analyzing the Design Factors of Modern Indoor Environment ( continued )

  5. 我国现代室内环境设计的基本观点与问题研究

    Basic view and problem research of Chinese modern indoor environment design

  6. 高校图书馆室内环境设计中的美感

    The Aesthetic Feeling of Interior Environment Design in University Library

  7. 室内环境设计审美主体意识初探

    Subjective Awareness in Appreciation of Beauty in Interior Environment Design

  8. 室内环境设计数字化表现研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Digital Representation in Interior Environment Design

  9. 室内环境设计中的空间表现因素

    The Adornment that Indoors Display On the Space of Indoors Environment Design

  10. 中国博物馆室内环境设计发展研究

    The Developmental Research of the Chinese Museum Interior Design

  11. 医院建筑室内环境设计的研究

    The Hospital Constructs the Quest of the Interior Design

  12. 探讨多媒体技术对室内环境设计中建筑装饰技术学科的教学改革

    On the teaching reforms of indoor design in construction decoration through multimedia technology

  13. 装饰画在现代室内环境设计中的应用

    Application of decorative paintings in modern interior environmental design

  14. 现代公共厅堂室内环境设计的体会

    Experience in Interior Environmental Design of Modern Public Hall

  15. 浅议室内环境设计气氛的创造用灯营造家居氛围

    The Discussion To The Design of Indoor Ambience Home Ambience Created by Lighting

  16. 窑洞的建筑特色及现代室内环境设计

    Building characteristics and modern environmental design of cave dwelling in the north of China

  17. 现代室内环境设计中屏风的应用

    Application of Screens in Modern Interior Environment Design

  18. 古老的窑洞建筑对今天的室内环境设计仍具有重大的参考价值。

    Ancient cave dwelling buildings have great reference value for interior environmental design today .

  19. 生态室内环境设计&一种可持续发展的设计

    Eco-Interior Design & A Type of Sustainable Design

  20. 色彩是室内环境设计的灵魂。

    Colour is the soul of interior designs .

  21. 住宅室内环境设计探讨

    Discussion of design of residential indoors environment

  22. 论居室内环境设计中的美术原则

    Application of art in room environmental design

  23. 室内环境设计中的造型语言

    Plastic language used in interior environment desigm

  24. 现代建筑室内环境设计中乡村意境的营造及研究

    The Construction and Research on Rural Poetic Imagery in Interior Environment Design of Modern Architecture

  25. 场景化室内环境设计

    The Scene Style of Interior Environment Design

  26. 吕永中的设计跨越视觉传达、产品设计以及室内环境设计三大领域。

    His design covers three fields of visual conveyance , product design and interior environment design .

  27. 古为今用,意在创新&地域文化在室内环境设计中的表达

    Make the Past Serve the Present & The Expressions of Regional Culture in Interior Environmental Design

  28. 构建和谐的生态室内环境设计

    Interior Design to Construct Harmonious Ecology

  29. 黄凯室内环境设计作品

    Huang Kai 's Environmental Design Works

  30. 对气氛的把握和创造是室内环境设计所面临的十分重要的课题。

    It is very important issue for indoor environment design to create and hadle with the ambience .