
  1. 环境艺术设计与CAI

    Environment Art Design and CAI

  2. 用系统方法指导环境艺术设计的专业教学

    Instructing the Teaching of Environmental Design by Means of Systematic Approach

  3. 联想在室内环境艺术设计中的应用与分析

    The Analysis and Application of Association Method in Interior Art Design

  4. 环境艺术设计在现代商业展示设计中的体现

    The Embodiment of Environment Arts Design in Modern Commercial Exhibition Design

  5. 现代陶艺在建筑环境艺术设计中的应用研究

    Applicability Research on the New Ceramics Art in Architectural Environment Design

  6. 论环境艺术设计专业素描教学的改革

    The Reform in Sketch Teaching in the Environmental Artistic Design Specialty

  7. 环境艺术设计理念与其审美特征的思考

    Thinking about the Conception and Aesthetic Character of Environment Designing Art

  8. 对环境艺术设计专业人才培养的思考

    On the Environment of Professional Training of Art and Design Thinking

  9. 湖南省高职院校环境艺术设计专业课程设置现状调查与发展研究

    Environmental Art Design Hunan Vocational College Curriculum Research and Development Survey

  10. 城市环境艺术设计及其改造中的问题

    Urban Environmental Art Design and Problems Arising from its Reconstruction

  11. 象征型意象与环境艺术设计

    On the Use of Symbolic Yixiang in Environmental Art Design

  12. 论人文关怀视角下的图书馆环境艺术设计

    Library Environmental Design on the Humane Care from the Perspective

  13. 环境艺术设计专业建筑设计课程教学初探

    Teaching of architectural design course of environmental art design department

  14. 环境艺术设计方向设计素描教学内容改革初探

    Environmental Art Design Direction of the Reformation of Teaching Content Design Sketch

  15. 浅析实践教学在环境艺术设计专业中的必要性

    On the Importance of Practical Teaching in Environmental Art Design

  16. 以就业为导向的高职教学改革探索与实践&以环境艺术设计专业为例

    The Exploration and Practice of Higher Vocational Teaching Reform with Employment Orientation

  17. 为中国而设计第二届全国环境艺术设计大展

    Design for China the 2nd National Environmental Arts Design Biennale

  18. 环境艺术设计专业室外写生课教学探索

    The Art Class Teaching exploration of outdoor painting on environmental art design

  19. 中国美术家协会环境艺术设计委员会成立

    The Founding of the Environmental Art Design Board of China Artists Association

  20. 美术院校环境艺术设计专业教学改革思考

    Thought about Course Reform of Environmental Design in Colleges of Fine Arts

  21. 医疗环境艺术设计中多元认识主体的关系

    The relationship of multi-realized unit in medical environmental artistic design

  22. 环境艺术设计教育中现代设计意识的培养

    Cultivation of Modern Design Awareness in Environmental Art Design Education

  23. 文学与静态艺术在环境艺术设计中的妙用

    Magical Function of Literary Art and Static Art in Environmental Art Design

  24. 改革中的建筑室内环境艺术设计系列课程建设及其实践探索

    Notes on the Artistic Design Curricula Reform of the Architectural Interior Environment

  25. 计算机辅助环境艺术设计课程教学改革探索

    Teaching reform of environmental art and design aided by computer

  26. 关于我校环境艺术设计教育的探讨

    Probe into the Education of Environmental Art Design in Jiangxi Agricultural University

  27. 谈环境艺术设计中的创意思维

    Superficial Study on Creative Thinking of Environmental Art Design

  28. 城市轨道交通站场环境艺术设计研究

    Urban Rail Transportation Station Space Environment Art Design Research

  29. 生态城市规划中环境艺术设计的研究

    The Research on Environment Artistic Design in Eco-city Planning

  30. 第三章高校校园环境艺术设计的内涵与价值取向,首先分析了高校校园环境艺术设计的定义。

    First , it analyses the definition of the campus environment art design .