
  • 网络environmental hydrogeology
  1. 环境水文地质研究中的C1~-示踪法

    C1 ~ - tracing method in Environmental Hydrogeology

  2. 关于城市垃圾堆放的环境水文地质问题

    Rubbish on environmental hydrogeology of landfill

  3. 区域性环境水文地质图的编图原则与方法的讨论

    Principles and methods of compiling regional environmental hydro geological map

  4. 城市环境水文地质灾害的渗流场时空调控

    Hydrogeological disaster of seepage field of control in urban area

  5. 长清井田环境水文地质特征分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation on the Environmental Hydrogeological Characteristics in Changqing Mine Field

  6. 青岛地区的环境水文地质问题及其防治对策

    Hydrogeological environment problems and appropriate prevention measures Ni Qingdao area

  7. 人类活动对焦作地区环境水文地质的影响

    The Influence of Man-made Feature on Hydrogeologic of Jiaozuo Area

  8. 辽宁省主要的环境水文地质灾害及防治研究

    Study on Main Environmental Hydrogeological Disasters and Its Countermeasures in Liaoning Province

  9. 煤矸石的环境水文地质作用模式研究

    Researching the environment hydrology function mode of the Coal-Gangue

  10. 盐城市主要环境水文地质问题

    Main environmental hydrogeological problems in Yanchen urban district

  11. 由于地下水的严重开采,导致环境水文地质条件的变化;

    The overdrawn exploitation of groundwater has led to the variation of environmental hydro-geological condition ;

  12. 长乐县和福安市胃癌病因的环境水文地质因素探讨

    Research of the Factors of Environmental Hydrogeology of Gastric Carcinoma among Changle County and Fu'an City

  13. 韩城矿区奥灰岩溶发育规律及环境水文地质问题的研究

    Research on Development Regularity of Ordovician Limestone Karst and Environmental Hydrogeological Problems in Hancheng Coal Mining Area

  14. 在某污染的工业废物填埋场环境水文地质评价中的同位素水文学研究

    A study of isotope hydrology on Environmental Hydrogeological assessment of a disposal site for contaminated industrial wastes

  15. 辽宁省地下水特征分析和由此诱发的环境水文地质问题

    Analysis on the features of underground water in Liaoning Province with their induced problems on environment hydrologic geology

  16. 本文分析了辽宁地下水特征,概括归纳可能产生的该省特有的环境水文地质问题。

    The paper systematically analyzes the features of underground water and the environmental hydrologic geology problems in Liaoning .

  17. 贵阳市乌当奶牛场环境水文地质与水源保护

    A Study of Environmental Hydrogeology and W - ater Resource Protection in Milch Cow Farm , Wudang Area , Guiyang

  18. 模糊综合评判在成都市固体废弃物处置场环境水文地质评价中的应用

    The application of fuzzy synthetic evaluation method in the environment hydrological geology assessment on solid waste disposal sites in Chengdu

  19. 考虑到环境水文地质问题,进而建立了矿区水资源系统的管理模型。

    In consideration of the hydrogeological environmental problems , a management model of water resources system in the mining region has been set up .

  20. 在山区古滑体不良地质条件下,应结合环境水文地质条件进行建筑规划设计布置;

    Under the poor geological conditions of mountainous fossil landslides , the layout of architecture planning design schemes should combine mountainous topographic conditions so as to melt buildings into the nature .

  21. 在分析井田环境水文地质特征的基础上,利用浅层地下水的分析测试资料,依据水环境污染综合评价指数方法对浅层地下水环境质量的现状进行了评价。

    On the basis of analysis of the environmental hydrogeological characteristics in Changqing mine field , the water environmental pollution comprehensive index method has been adopted for the evaluation of shallow ground water .

  22. 通过对三门峡市区地下水的综合调查,发现其环境水文地质问题以区域地下水位下降为主,并导致地下水污染等次生环境水文地质问题的发生。

    Based on an comprehensive investigation of groundwater in the Sanmenxia city , the article shows the question in the environment and hydrogeology is mainly regional groundwater lowering in the area , which results groundwater polluted and secondary EHP .

  23. 为探讨提高大连地区水资源利用率的方法,通过分析总结大连地区滨海水文地质条件,剖析了地下含水系统的独立流域特征、开发价值特征、流动系统特征和环境水文地质的脆弱性特征。

    In order to approach a way of advancing the water resources use rate in Dalian Area , this paper analyzes and summarizes the characteristics of the coast hydrogeology including independent watershed , developing value , flow system and the vulnerability of environment hydrogeology .

  24. 本文论述了由于采矿活动产生的一系列矿区环境水文地质问题,如矿山疏干排水、突水引起的地下水位大幅度下降,岩溶地面塌陷,水质污染;

    In this paper , a series of environmental hydrogeological problems caused by mining activity are discussed , for example , the groundwater lowering a great deal in large scope , the surface caving in of Karst , the water pollution caused by the drainage and water bursting of mine ;

  25. 在环境水文地质问题形成背景和形成条件综合分析的基础上,认为其产生的根本原因是人为活动尤其是地下水的不合理开采破坏了地下水循环系统的天然均衡状态,其演化模式具双向性。

    On the basis of integrated analysis of the formation background and formation condition of EHP , the basic cause of EHP is that human activities , especially unreasonable groundwater mining , have disrupted the natural balance of groundwater circle system , the evolution pattern of EHP has two direction .

  26. 唐山南部沿海水资源开发引起的环境水文工程地质问题

    Study on Environmental Hydrological and Engineering Geological Problems Caused by Water Resource Exploitation in Coastal Region of Tangshan

  27. 瞬变电磁法是寻找各种矿产资源及为工程、环境、水文地质服务的一种重要物探方法。

    After the development of several decades , transient electromagnetic ( TEM ) method has become an important geophysical exploration method in finding mineral resources , as well as in engineering , environmental and hydrological services .

  28. 从铀源、地质构造、古气候条件、岩相古地理环境、水文地质、后生改造作用等方面分析,延吉盆地具有寻找大型地浸砂岩型铀矿的良好前景。

    On the bases of analyzing of uranium source , geologic tectonic , palaeoclimatology , paleogeography , hydrogeology and reconstruction , it is concluded that there is a prominent prospect to discover large in-situ sandstone-type uranium deposits in Yanji basins .

  29. 环境同位素在水文地质和环境地质研究中的应用

    The Application of Environmental Isotopes to Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology

  30. 红层地下水形成环境分析与水文地质分类

    Analysis of formation environment and the hydrogeology classification of groundwater in red beds