
  • 网络Environmental Liability Insurance;environment liability insurance
  1. 本章是环境责任保险的制度基础。

    This chapter is the basis of environmental liability insurance system .

  2. 国内外环境责任保险比较研究

    The Comparative Study of the Domestic and International Environmental Liability Insurance

  3. 美国环境责任保险制度审视及启示

    On the America Environmental Liability Insurance System and Its Enlightenment to Us

  4. 环境责任保险是一新型的保险品种。

    Environment liability insurance is a new type of insurance .

  5. 我国有必要建立环境责任保险制度。

    Environmental liability insurance system must be established in China .

  6. 循环经济背景下我国环境责任保险体系的构建

    To Construct Environmental Liability Insurance for Circular Economy in China

  7. 在借鉴中建立我国环境责任保险制度

    In Reference to Establish Environmental Liability Insurance System in China

  8. 构建我国环境责任保险制度的几点思考物流环境责任保险制度构架的理性思考

    Some Rational Considerations on the Construction of Logistics Environment Liability Insurance System

  9. 我国环境责任保险制度面临的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures against Environmental Insurance in Our Country

  10. 论国内的环境责任保险制度

    Discussion on The Insurance System for Domestic Environment Impact

  11. 创设环境责任保险的主要作用是保护第三人或者社会公众的利益。

    It is established to protect the third party and the public interest .

  12. 我国建立环境责任保险制度既是必要的,也足可行的。

    The establishment of environment liability insurance in our country is necessary and feasible .

  13. 论环境责任保险对侵权法之影响

    Environmental Liability Insurance and the Law of Torts

  14. 环境责任保险制度研究

    On the Legal Systems of Environmental Liability Insurance

  15. 环境责任保险伴随着无过错责任原则而产生,为无过错责任的实行提供赔偿基础;

    ELI is based on the principle of no-fault and provides the basis for compensation .

  16. 环境责任保险的可行性研究初探

    The Feasibility of the Environmental Liability Insurance

  17. 环境责任保险制度是建立在侵权法和责任保险理论之上,成为解决环境侵权的有效途径之一。

    Environmental liability insurance is based on the theories of tort law and liability insurance .

  18. 第四章介绍了环境责任保险和环境保护基金这两项制度。

    The fourth chapter introduce two systems : environmental liability insurance and environmental protection fund .

  19. 环境责任保险的运作机制

    Operation System of Environmental Liability Insurance

  20. 论我国环境责任保险的立法模式&以利益平衡为视角

    On Legislative Mode of China 's Environmental Liability Insurance & On a Perspective of Interest Balance

  21. 环境责任保险,则是环境责任社会化的最优选择。

    Environmental liability insurance is the optimal choice for the ways of socialization of environmental liability .

  22. 论环境责任保险制度&兼论环境损害赔偿的社会化机制

    The Issue on The System of Environmental Liability Insurance & and on socialization of environmental damage compensation

  23. 环境责任保险是一种运用现代保险制度解决环境问题的经济政策。

    Environmental liability insurance is an economic policy to solve the environmental problems through modern insurance system .

  24. 环境责任保险强大的分散风险功能,已成为世界各国解决环境损害赔偿的重要途径。

    The environment liability insurance system can disperse risk , and becomes relief approach in many countries .

  25. 论环境责任保险

    On Environmental Liability Insurance

  26. 因此,我国可以也应该建立环境责任保险制度和环境侵权损害赔偿基金制度。

    Therefore , our also can should establish environmental liability insurance system and environmental tort compensation fund system .

  27. 外国的环境责任保险经过较长时期的发展,各个方面都已臻成熟,对于正在试点、着力构建环境污染责任保险制度的我国来说,有许多值得学习和借鉴的地方。

    Environmental liability insurance in foreign countries through the long period of development has matured in all aspects .

  28. 值得强调的是,加强环境责任保险法律制度之外其它相关法制的建设也是必不可少的。

    To be emphasized , establishing other related law system is also necessary , besides strengthening ELI law system .

  29. 我国环境责任保险制度的构建研究&由首例环境责任保险获赔案引发的思考

    Study on the System of Environmental Liability Insurance & Thoughts from the First Paid-off Case of Environmental Liability Insurance

  30. 政府通过以上多种方式可以确保环境责任保险制度得到全面的发展和完善。

    Government , through these various means to ensure environmental liability insurance system can be fully developed and perfected .