
  1. 基于此GIS系统,对淮南市水质现状进行客观评价,对废水排放量进行预测,合理划分水环境功能区以及水环境容量计算,对淮南市水环境进行合理规划。

    On the basis of the system , the water quality is assessed objectively , the effluent volume in the future is predicted , the water environmental functional district is planned , the water environment capacity is calculated and the water environment of HuaiNan City is planned rationally .

  2. 沿海环境功能区划分方法探讨

    A study on the division method of the coastal environment functional regions

  3. 划分声环境功能区;

    Division of the functional regions for sound environment ;

  4. 绍兴鉴湖水域环境功能区区划

    Functional Division of Water Environment in Jianhu Lake

  5. 全国水环境功能区编码研究

    Study on National Water Environmental Function Zone Coding

  6. 浅谈沈阳市地表水环境功能区达标存在的问题及应采取的措施

    Issues of Surface Water Reaching Standards of Environmental Functional Areas and Corresponding Countermeasures in Shenyang

  7. 北京市不同环境功能区绿化树种选择与配置的探讨

    Approach on the selection and disposition of plant trees in different functional areas of Beijing

  8. 不同环境功能区污染源的构成也存在比较明显的差别。

    Pollution sources are distinctly different from one area to another with different environmental characteristics .

  9. 制订污染源控制规划是当前水环境功能区划分中亟待解决的技术关键问题之一。

    Making the control plan of the pollution source is one of the key technical problems that environmental function division of water wants to solve .

  10. 水环境功能区划分作为水环境保护的重要环节,对减轻和控制水环境污染提供了依据。

    Water environment function area-dividing , which provides the warranty for controlling and alleviating the water-pollution , is an important tache of water environment protect .

  11. 运用概率统计法对不同生产方案、不同污染源强及不同环境功能区的污染风险进行了综合评价研究。

    By applying probability statistics , a comprehensive evaluation has been made on the pollution risk for different production , pollution sources and environmental function areas .

  12. 该容量值与污染物入河量、水环境功能区水质达标率进行了综合比较,结果表明该值是合理的。

    The capacity was compared with pollutants quantity in the rivers and the rate of water quality reaching standard in water environment function zones , which showed that the capacity amount was reasonable .

  13. 采用该系统能够以水环境功能区管理为目标,提供水环境数据维护、数据查询、水质评价、统计分析、水质预测等功能,将各种水环境信息以可视化的方式进行表达。

    Integrating related water environmental technology with network database , geographical information system , a decision support system serving the management of water environment in the water quality evaluation , statistics , inquiry and prediction is designed and established .

  14. 本文从呼和浩特市水环境功能区环境目标人手,通过建立环境管理体系,实施环境工程,加强环境监督管理,探讨对城市水环境保护的新路。

    Beginning with the environmental goals of water function area in Hohhot , the urban water environmental protection were discussed , such as the establishment of environmental management system , the implementation of environmental engineering and strengthening environmental supervision management .

  15. 根据雨量资料确定水文设计条件,并对水环境功能区过渡带进行分析,在此基础上,采用完全混合模式及污染带长度控制模式进行水环境容量测算,得到湛江市地表水环境容量值。

    Based on hydrologic design conditions determined from precipitation data and analysis of transition zones of water environment function zones , water environment capacity in Zhanjiang City was calculated using completely mixed model and length control model of pollution belts .

  16. 综合分析江苏省省辖市市区声环境功能区噪声、道路交通噪声、区域环境噪声污染现状、污染趋势及改善对策。

    Current pollution status as well as changing trend of functional area noise , traffic noise and regional noise in urban areas of cities of Jiangsu Province was analysed . Some measures to improve the existing status were also proposed .

  17. 提出水质分段优化河流水质断面的原则和水质突变点确定的方法,将优化后省级尺度的监测断面直接用于地表水环境功能区达标监测,取得良好的环境效益和社会效益。

    This article brings forword the principle of water quality subsection in optimizing river monitoring section planes and the method of confirming water quality breaking spots . The optimized monitoring section planes were used to monitor in surface water function area and obtained favorable environment benefits and society benefits .

  18. 对曲靖市城区进行了环境噪声功能区划分;

    Environmental noise functional regionalization of Qujing urban area is studied .

  19. 湖泊水环境保护功能区划分

    The zoning of functional district of water environment protection of Lake

  20. 平原河网地区地表水环境保护功能区划分的研究

    The Study of Environmental Protection Function Area Division of Surface Water in Plain River Network Region

  21. 太湖水环境保护功能区划分的初步探讨

    A Preliminary Study on the Division of Aquatic Environmental Protection Functional District in Tai Lake Basin

  22. 从地表水环境保护功能区划分工作的实践出发,针对复杂的水文、水质条件,探讨平原河网地区地表水环境保护功能区划分的工作方法和实现区划目标的对策措施。

    From the practice of environmental protection of function area division of surface water in plain river network region , its method and implementation were discussed .

  23. 本文通过对K值控制理论和方法的论述,提出了我市各类环境空气质量功能区中污染源的SO2排放量的控制方案。

    In this paper we put forward the scheme to control volume of SO2 from the pollution sources in all kinds of the functional region of the air quality in Qiqihar city through the discussing of theory and method of the value K.

  24. 丹东市环境空气质量功能区划分的研究

    Study on Ambient Air Quality Function in DanDong

  25. 环境空气质量功能区划分作为大气环境保护的一个重要环节,对控制和减轻大气环境污染提供了依据,意义重大。

    The quality function district of surrounding air divides an important link which is regarded as environmental protection of atmosphere , to control and lighten atmosphere environmental pollution not to offer basis is of great significance .

  26. 在生态城市建设日益成为现代城市发展趋势的背景下,城市生态带作为控制城市空间无序蔓延和改善区域生态环境的重要功能区,其规划研究受到越来越多的关注。

    As the eco-city construction has been the main stream in the modern city development , the ecological zone wins more and more concern because of its ability in controlling the overspread of the city and improving the environment of this area .

  27. 高分辨率卫星影像在生态环境调查及生态功能区划分中的应用研究

    Application of High Resolution Satellite Image in Ecological Environment Investigation and Ecological Regionalization

  28. 并且从优化金融发展环境、优化金融功能区规划建设等十个方面提出了具体实施方案。

    Furthermore , specific implementation programs are issued , including improving financial developing environment , enhancing the plan and construction of the financial function areas .

  29. 文山州境内的7条主要河流1997~2000年的水质监测数据表明,总锰和溶解性铁为文山州河流水质的特征污染物,对水环境评价和水功能区划分类的确定有较大影响。

    According to monitored data on water quality of seven main rivers in Wenshan from 1997 through 2000 , total manganese and resolvable iron were the featured pollutants and had major influence on the water environmental assessment and categorization of function areas .

  30. 本文根据太湖流域的环境特征,探讨性地提出了太湖水域环境保护功能区的划分,其目的是为了管理好太湖、利用好太湖。

    In order to have better effect on the management and utilization of Tai Lake , the author provided the division of the aquatic environmental protection functional district in Tai Lake Basin based on the environmental characteristics of Tai Lake Basin .