
  • 网络Environmental monitoring
  1. 环保署印制了一本经修订的环境监察及审核手册,提供一般指引。

    The department has published a revised Environmental Monitoring and Audit Manual to provide general guidance .

  2. 环境监察及审核计划

    Environmental Monitoring and Audit Programme

  3. 我国环境监察专业人才的社会需求量大并且紧迫。

    Talents majoring in Environmental inspection are in great and urgent need .

  4. 浅论新形势下环境监察工作的三个转变

    " Three Changes " of Environmental Inspection in New Situation

  5. 浅谈污染源普查成果如何在环境监察工作中应用

    Application of Achievement of Pollution Source Survey in Environmental Supervision

  6. 运用现代化监控网络提高环境监察效能

    Applying Modernized Monitor Network to Improve Environmental Supervision Efficiency

  7. 信息化在现代环境监察执法中的应用与建设

    Application and Construction of Informationization in Modern Environmental Supervision

  8. 我国环境监察执法组织的改革趋势探讨

    The Reform Trend of Environmental Law Enforcement Organization

  9. 环境监察效能亟待提高

    Environmental Inspection Efficiency is very Urgent to Raise

  10. 坚持环保优先强化建设项目环境监察

    Persist Environmental Priority Strengthen Environmental Supervise Projects

  11. 经核证的更改须立即在下一份每月环境监察及审核报告中记载。

    The verified changes shall be documented in the immediately following monthly EM & A report .

  12. 环境监察专业人才培养规格和课程体系的研究与实践

    The Study and Practice of Specifications of Talents Majoring in Environmental Inspection and the Curriculum System

  13. 本论文对珠海市污染行业的环境监察进行了研究。

    In this thesis , the environmental monitoring of zhuhai polluting industries have been studied and summarized .

  14. 他补充说,环境监察警告工厂,但它没有得到有效控制污染。

    The environmental watchdog has warned the factory , but it had not effectively controlled the pollution , he added .

  15. 任何关于环境监察及审核活动的更改建议,在执行前须提出充分的理由,并获署长同意。

    Any proposed changes to the EM & A activities shall be justified and agreed by the Director before implementation .

  16. 印度环境监察部门近日表示,污浊空气正在将世界闻名的爱情的丰碑&泰姬陵重重包围。

    The Indian government 's environment watchdog has expressed concern about increasing air pollution around the world-famous marble monument to love , the Taj Mahal .

  17. 近年来,中国经济的快速发展使得污染越来越严重,而现有的数据让环境监察比较困难。

    In recent years , China 's rapid economic growth has given rise to greater pollution and the existing data has been insufficient for environmental surveillance .

  18. 众议院环境监察委员会最近发表的一份报告证明,每年英国因空气污染造成的死亡数近5万人口。

    A recent report by the House of Commons environmental audit committee included evidence that air pollution could be contributing to50,000 deaths in the UK a year .

  19. 环境监察执法是打击环境违法行为的最主要抓手,是冲在环境保护工作第一线的关键部门。

    Environmental monitoring and law enforcement is the most important start point to fight the environmental crime , which is main department on the first line in the environmental protection work .

  20. 船舶排污现场监察识别和综合确认,涉及面广,技术难度大,是环境监察的重要内容之一。

    Pollution in ? site supervision and affirming principle for ship 's discharge was one of the most important content in environmental supervision because of the wide range and difficult technique .

  21. 深港联合治理深圳河工程中的环境监察与审核工作粤港环境合作机制及其对我国其他区域环境合作的启示

    Shenzhen River rehabilitation project implemented by Shenzhen and Hong Kong : environment monitoring and supervision The Hong Kong-Guangdong Environmental Cooperation Mechanism and Its Enlightenment to Other Regional Environmental Cooperation of China

  22. 环境监察及审核手册行动计划所载述的行动,必须按照该行动计划内的时限或署长同意的时限执行。

    The actions described in the action plan of the EM & A Manual shall be carried out in accordance with the time frame set out in the action plan or agreed by the Director .

  23. 根据证据材料和监测分析结果,得出环境监察结论,对检查过程中发现问题的,按照规定的权限和程序进行处理或行政处罚。

    According to the results of evidence analysis and monitoring , environmental monitoring conclusions can be make out , problems found during the inspection , in accordance with the provisions of the authority and procedures for processing or administrative penalties .

  24. 然而由于现有环保法律不完善、监察力量薄弱,监察手段落后、管理体制不顺等原因,环境监察工作不断暴露出一些问题,提高环境监察效能已刻不容缓。

    However because existing environmental protection law imperfect , supervisory strength weak , supervisory method backwardness , the management system unsuitable and so on , some questions in the environmental protective inspection have been exposed , the inspection efficiency is very urgent to enhance .

  25. 这一系统从打破原有分散、各自为政的部门条块分割入手,使以前难以操作的监察工作有了公平、公正、公开的执行模式,是信息化环境下效能监察方式的变革性创新。

    The system breaks the original decentralized , fragmented sectors , developing a new implementation supervision model , which makes previous difficult operation work with fair , justice and open .

  26. 生态环境部环境监察官员赵群英表示,通过遥感等技术手段,北京指挥部可以及时发现远在千里之外的地区的环境问题、指示立即采取行动。

    With technologies , including remote sensing , authorities in the Beijing headquarters can discover environmental problems in faraway regions quickly and direct immediate actions , according to Zhao Qunying , an official in charge of environmental supervision at the ministry .

  27. 又要规范用海,保护海洋环境,履行海洋监察职能,负责海域使用、海洋工程、海洋倾废等的执法检查。

    But also to regulate the use of sea , to protect the marine environment , marine performance monitoring role , responsible for the use of sea areas , marine engineering , ocean dumping of wastes and other law enforcement inspection .

  28. 环境小组组长须按环境监察及审核手册内载的环境监察及审核规定,负责有关环境监察及审核计划的实施。

    The ET leader shall be responsible for the implementation of the EM A programme in accordance with the EM A requirements as contained in the EM A Manual .

  29. 该名独立环境查核人须具有至少7年环境监察及审核或环境管理的经验。

    The IEC shall have at least 7 years of experience in environmental monitoring and auditing or environmental management .

  30. 有关计划如有任何更改,须由环境经理提出充分理由证明其符合环评报告的环境监察及审核手册所订明的规定,然后才提交署长批准。

    Any changes to the programme shall be justified by the EM as conforming to the requirements set out in the EM & A Manual of the EIA Report before submission to the Director for approval .