
  1. 中国环境标志产品认证委员会

    China Green Label Products Certification Committee

  2. 所得评价结果可为其相关产品的评价提供参考,也可用国家制定相关产品的环境税收税率,环境标志标准,环境产品认证等。

    Not only the case can make reference to the congeneric products , but also the results of assessment can be applied to determine the environmental tax rate , the ecological labeling criteria and the certification of the environmental-friendly products .

  3. 随着人们对经济发展认识的加深和环境保护意识的提高,环境标志制度在国际贸易市场的影响力也不断增强,越来越多的环境标志产品通过了认证。

    With people on the environment , economic development , deepen understanding and environmental awareness , environmental labeling system on the market in international trade growing influence , more and more environmental label products through the certification .