
huán jìnɡ fàn zuì
  • environmental crime
  1. 试论确立环境犯罪危险犯的必要性

    Discussion on the Necessity to Establish Dangerous Criminal of Environmental Crime

  2. 重点讨论了环境犯罪的立法完善。

    Focused on the perfection of the law in environmental crime .

  3. 它们之间的这种内在联系表明,在我国加入WTO深入融入经济全球化的过程中,环境犯罪必然会有进一步的发展。

    The intrinsic connection between them shows that during the process of our country 's entry into WTO and further integration into the economic globalization , there must be further developments in environment crimes .

  4. 在环境犯罪领域同样有适用的可能性。

    There are possibilities to adopt it in environmental criminal domains .

  5. 环境犯罪危险犯处罚原因探析

    The Penalty Causes to the Potential Damage Offense of Environment Crime

  6. 美国应对环境犯罪的行政范式与刑事对策

    Administrative Model and Criminal Countermeasures Against Environmental Crime in the US

  7. 两大法系关于环境犯罪立法之比较

    On Comparison of Environment-crime Legislation between the Two Great Law Systems

  8. 鉴于此,国家应承担首要的环境犯罪被害预防责任。

    It is the country that shall assume the relevant material responsibility .

  9. 对某些特殊的环境犯罪适用严格责任;

    Enforce more severe responsibility and punishment on some special environmental crimes .

  10. 环境犯罪过失危险犯的立法建议

    The Suggestion About Legislation of Environment Criminal Potential Damage Offense

  11. 第二部分:环境犯罪的立法概况。

    Part two : Legislative overview of the environmental crime .

  12. 环境犯罪的客体要件&环境权之本体研究

    Object Element of Environmental Crimes & Research on Noumenon of Environmental Rights

  13. 第四部分,在第三部分的分析原因的基础上提出防治我国环境犯罪的基本对策,具体包括:1、实现可持续发展的经济模式,建设良好的社会外部条件。

    First , Build good social external condition of sustainable development pattern .

  14. 污染型环境犯罪的特点及其立法完善

    Environment-pollution crime 's characteristics and it 's consummation of legislation

  15. 环境犯罪的构成要件及其认定中的几个问题

    Requisites to Constitute Environment Crime and the Determination of It

  16. 惩治与防范国际环境犯罪的对策研究

    Study on the Countermeasures to Restrain the International Environmental Crimes

  17. 环境犯罪对传统刑罚目的之挑战与应对

    On Challenge Of Environmental Crime To Traditional Criminal Penalty And Way Out

  18. 环境犯罪的防控思路与对策分析

    Analysis of the Method and Countermeasures for Preventing Environmental Crimes

  19. 环境犯罪刑事防控机制探析

    Analysis of the Criminal Prevention and Control Mechanism of the Environmental Crime

  20. 严格责任原则在对环境犯罪追究刑事责任时具有实用价值。

    Furthermore , strict liability has practical value in charging criminal liability .

  21. 环境犯罪是现代社会的新问题。

    Environment crime is a new problem of modern society .

  22. 环境犯罪有不同于传统犯罪的特殊性,刑罚影响具有利害相兼的双重性。

    The environmental crime has its particularity while the punishment has bi-influence .

  23. 论西部开发中的环境犯罪预防

    On the Precautions of Environmental Crime in the Western Development

  24. 我国环境犯罪归责原则探讨

    Discussion on Responsibility Ascription Principle of China 's Environmental Crime

  25. 近年来,环境犯罪日益引起公众的高度关注。

    Recently , environmental crime is getting increasing attention from our people .

  26. 试论惩治对环境犯罪的类推制度

    A trial study on the analogy system applied in penalizing environment crime

  27. 关于《中华人民共和国刑法》环境犯罪规定的思考

    Thoughts on Provisions of Environmental Crime in Criminal Law

  28. 第二章:我国环境犯罪的立法现状分析。

    Chapter ⅱ: foreign environmental crime legislative status quo .

  29. 对污染环境犯罪立法完善的思考

    The Reflection on the Criminal Law of Empoisoning Circumstance

  30. 污染环境犯罪的司法认定

    On the Legal Assertion of Polluting the Environment Crime