
  • 网络Environmental Law in Japan
  1. 日本环境侵权法的发展

    On the Development of Environmental Law of Tort in Japan

  2. 在第一个问题中,首先,介绍了日本环境侵权法的历史发展;

    In the first question , above all , introduce the history of Japanese environmental tort law .

  3. 通过比较分析美国、德国和日本三国环境法发展的不同模式,期冀从差异中找差距以构建更为行之有效的环境法律体系。

    By and large , to analyse the diverse development model of environmental law of the United States , Germany and Japan which seem the most typical will do good to the perfect environmental law system of our country .

  4. 日本的环境侵权法并非单纯由过失责任原则直接发展为无过失责任原则,而是经历了从客观过失理论到过失推定,再从过失推定到无过失责任主义的演进过程。

    The Development of Environmental Law Tort is not directly from liability for fault to liability without negligence .

  5. 日本八大公害案件裁决后的日本环境法发展及对中国环境法发展之借鉴

    The Development of Japanese Environmental Legal System After the Adjudication of Eight Nuisance Cases and Its Reference for China

  6. 医疗损害赔偿纠纷案件法律适用的冲突与调适日本八大公害案件裁决后的日本环境法发展及对中国环境法发展之借鉴

    The conflict and the adjustment that the medical treatment indemnity dispute case law apply The Development of Japanese Environmental Legal System After the Adjudication of Eight Nuisance Cases and Its Reference for China