
  • 网络migrant
  1. 在脆弱的生态系统上建立一堵围墙,这对于不喜欢障碍物的迁徙动物来说也造成了很大困难。

    A fragile ecosystem with a fence in the middle can also make it difficult for migrating animals , because they don 't really care about international borders .

  2. 过去的研究认为长距离迁徙动物,在一种名为“隐花色素”的感光蛋白作用下能够感知磁场,即便是果蝇这样的生物,也同样如此。我们人类同样能够合成这种蛋白,如果没有这种蛋白,我们的生物钟就无法运行。

    Previous studies suggest long-distance migrators - and even fruit flies - pick up magnetic fields with the help of a light-sensitive protein called " cryptochrome . " We produce cryptochrome too - without it , our circadian clocks would break .

  3. 逆转会破坏能量网格,损害宇航员和卫星,加大臭氧层空洞,发送极光到赤道而搞乱鸟类,鱼和迁徙动物,它们依靠磁场的稳定性作为导航帮助。

    A reversal could knock out power grids , hurt astronauts and satellites , widen atmospheric ozone holes , send polar auroras flashing to the equator and confuse birds , fish and migratory animals that rely on the steadiness of the magnetic field as a navigation aid .

  4. 用来指不迁徙的动物。

    Used of animals that do not migrate .

  5. 大规模死亡在以大群落聚集或迁徙的动物中间最为常见。

    Dramatic die-offs are most common in animals that congregate or travel in large groups .

  6. 很多迁徙的动物,如鸟、鲸鱼和蝴蝶用地磁来导航。

    Many migrating animals such as birds , whales , and butterflies use magnetism for navigation .

  7. 研究人员已经发现迁徙性动物可以借助各种各样的体内罗盘来校正方向。

    Researchers have found that migrating animals use a variety of inner compasses to help them navigate .

  8. 一些需要长途迁徙的动物也从中获益颇丰,因为飞行能够使得一大群动物同时在空中迁徙。

    Animals that have to migrate long distances also benefit from this adaptation as it allows large groups to travel by sky .

  9. 因为植物在一年中开花的时间提前了,那些等到惯常时间才迁徙的动物也许会由此错过所有的食物。

    Because plants bloom earlier in the year , animals that wait until their usual time to migrate might miss out on all the food .

  10. 研究人员已经发现迁徙性动物可以借助各种各样的体内罗盘来校正方向。有些动物借助太阳的位置辨别方向,有些则依靠星星。

    Researchers have found that migrating animals use a variety of inner compasses to help them navigate . Some steer by the position of the Sun . Others navigate by the stars .

  11. 牧民们已经积累了一万年丰富的畜牧经验,知道如何群养和迁徙他们的动物,

    We 'd had 10000 years of extremely knowledgeable pastoralists bunching and moving their animals ,

  12. 遗传学家们表示狗类很有可能是在欧洲被驯化的,大约是在距今19000到30000年前,但那时我们人类仍然以捕猎和群居而生—并且迁徙后便将动物尸体以及其它垃圾弃之不顾。

    The geneticists conclude that dogs were probably domesticated in Europe , most likely between 19000 and 30000 years ago , when we humans were still hunting and gathering - and leaving carcasses and trash piles behind .