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qiān liú
  • pass;elapse
迁流 [qiān liú]
  • [elapse] 流动;移动不定

迁流[qiān liú]
  1. 集体化时期的农村社会,很大程度上是一个人口向农村、向山区迁流的社会。

    The rural society during the period of collectivization was a society that population flow towards rural and mountain areas .

  2. 那是古罗马和古希腊平民闻所未闻的,时代迁流,潜心诵读它们的学者已成稀有,而今唯少数学者亦不辍研读这些作品。

    What the Roman and Grecian multitude could not hear , after the lapse of ages a few scholars read , and a few scholars only are still reading it .

  3. 原始佛学是佛学的母体,原始佛学理论中的因果论和“迁流”观,蕴含着辩证思维的内容,对后世佛学影响极大;

    The original Buddhist theory is the Buddhist theory 's mother , the views of karma and " Qianliu " contain the dialectical thought and they greatly influence the Buddhist theory of next generation .