
  • 网络heat alert
  1. 气象条件对江淮地区中稻产量构成影响及高温预警模型研究

    Effects of Meteorological Conditions on Middle-season Rice Yield Components and High-temperature Early Warning Model

  2. 中国气象局已经发布二次高温预警。

    China 's Meteorological Agency has issued its second highest alert over high temperatures .

  3. 湖南气象台今日多次发布红色和橙色高温预警信号。

    The Observatory of Hunan recently repeatedly announced the hot emergency of Red and Orange .

  4. 今晚,近1.75亿美国人面临着全国各地类似的高温预警。

    Nearly 175 million Americans are under similar heat advisories tonight from coast to coast .

  5. 印度气象局已经发出“高温预警”,本周末严重的热浪将席卷印度北部和西部的大部分地区。

    The weather office has issued warnings of " severe heat wave " conditions across large parts of India 's northern and western states through the weekend .

  6. 早在今年7月底,希腊就连连遭遇热浪袭击,希腊国家气象局连续几天发布红色高温预警,希腊气象学家更是称此次热浪是过去30年来最猛烈的极端天气现象之一,最高气温一度达到了45摄氏度。

    Greece has been baked by its worst heat wave in three decades , which sent temperatures up to 45 degrees Celsius and turned its prized pine forests into bone-dry tinderboxes .

  7. 本研究成果还可能对当地卫生部门,建立高温健康预警平台,合理规划和分配医疗急救资源和急诊资源,保护当地居民的身体健康具有重要的意义。

    Our findings might have important significance for local health authorities to regulate and assign medical resources of emergency treatment .

  8. 高温橙色预警意味着未来48小时内,最高气温将保持在37℃以上,有时会超过40℃。

    The orange level means that temperatures are expected to remain higher than 37 C and sometimes surpass 40 C for at least the next 48 hours .