
tán xīn
  • heart-to-heart talk;commune;have a heart-to-heart talk
谈心 [tán xīn]
  • [heart-to-heart talk] 谈心里话;倾心交谈

  • 促膝谈心

  • 在同学间开展谈心活动

谈心[tán xīn]
  1. 他谈话时非常自信。我们经常在一起谈心。

    He spoke with great confidence . We often have a heart-to-heart talk .

  2. 婚礼前,我和母亲好好谈了谈心。

    Before the wedding , I had a heart-to-heart talk with my mother .

  3. 采用自编地方大学生入警培训调查问卷和症状自评量表(SCL-90),以问卷评定、座谈了解、个别谈心等方法,分二个阶段进行调研。

    Using self-made new superintendent local college students questionnaire and symptom checklist ( SCL-90 ), by questionnaire assessment , discussion to understand , individual talk and other methods , research is divided into two stages .

  4. 研究人员称并为发现男女在此有区别,但是Lieberman说之前的研究曾显示谈心对于男女来说是不一样的。

    The researchers did not find significant differences along gender lines , but Lieberman said prior studies have hinted at some differences in the benefits men and women derive from talking about their feelings .

  5. “如果你没有下属在办公室里听你发牢骚,或是没有孩子与你谈心,Pekoppa会陪在你身边,温柔地点头示意。”她说。

    " If you have no subordinates who would listen to your grumbling in the office or no children who would talk with you , Pekoppa will be by your side , gently nodding ," she said .

  6. 这是我们之间第一次真正的私下谈心。

    It was the first really intimate conversation we had had .

  7. 但那并不是说我们只能谈心。

    That 's not to say we should just be talking .

  8. 她是一个每晚我都想与之谈心的人。

    That last person I wanted to talk to every night .

  9. 让孩子知道你随时愿意与他谈心。

    Let your child know you are always available to talk .

  10. 我们应该在一个不那么吵闹的地方谈心。

    We shall have it where there are not much noise .

  11. 交流谈心有利于解开症结。

    Communicating and talking over things can help salvage the situation .

  12. 她经常找我谈心,博古论今,畅谈人生。

    She often talks with me about the history and life .

  13. 谈心活动有助于思想问题的解决。

    Heart-to-heart chats are conducive to the solution of ideological problems .

  14. 他和威尔逊谈心,把他当做朋友。

    He talks to him and treats him as a friend .

  15. 当我们吃完早餐之后,我们开始谈心了。

    When we finished our breakfast , we began to chat .

  16. 我经常和好朋友谈心。

    I often have a heart-to-heart chat with my close friend .

  17. 昨夜我同她作了一次相当推心置腹的谈心。

    I had quite a heart-to-heart with her last night .

  18. 我们的老师和我们谈心,关心我们的生活。

    Our teacher talks to us and asks us about our lives .

  19. 父母与孩子沟通谈心非常重要。

    It is important to touch base with your kids .

  20. 但她郁郁寡欢,连个谈心的人都没有。

    But she was often sad and never had a bosom friend .

  21. 现在我没有一个可以谈心的人。

    Now I have no one to talk to about my problems .

  22. 不过,不谈一谈心,我们是睡不着觉的。

    But we did not go to sleep without some little chat .

  23. 祷告其实很简单,就是你我之间的谈心。

    Prayer is simply you having a conversation with Me .

  24. 咱能不能别搞什么公路谈心

    Can we not do the whole road-trip bonding thing ?

  25. 我的儿子告诉我你鼓励他跟我谈心。

    My son tells me you encouraged him to talk to me .

  26. 正是因为这样的性格,杰克很少有谈心的朋友。

    Just because of his character , Jack hardly has good friends .

  27. 他们开车去湖边谈心了

    Wait , they drove to the lake to talk ?

  28. 我不记得跟他有过深夜谈心

    I can 't recall any late-night heart-to-hearts with him ,

  29. 和每个志愿者的见面,无疑都是一场内心洗礼。讲述自己故事时,他们更像在和老友会晤谈心。

    Every meeting with the volunteers is undoubtedly an experience of spiritual baptism .

  30. 从来没有人真正与我谈心。

    Nobody 'd ever really talked to me before .