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tán huà
  • talk;conversation;speak;statement;chat;tell;colloquy;natter;-logue
谈话 [tán huà]
  • (1) [talk;conversation;chat]∶彼此的对谈

  • 我同她的家长作过数次谈话

  • (2) [statement]∶事实、意见、问题等的陈述

  • 发表书面谈话

谈话[tán huà]
  1. 我在公共汽车上无意中听到两个男孩的谈话。

    I overheard a conversation between two boys on the bus .

  2. 谈话很可能离题而涉及禁止讨论的领域。

    The conversation was in danger of wandering into forbidden territory .

  3. 我是不是挑了个不恰当的时间跟你谈话?

    Have I picked a bad time to talk to you ?

  4. 这次谈话激起了她对这个项目的热情。

    The talk had fired her with enthusiasm for the project .

  5. 她默默地坐在那儿,饶有兴致地听着时高时低的谈话声。

    She sat in silence enjoying the ebb and flow of conversation .

  6. 他谈话中使用的行话对我是一团迷雾。

    The jargon in his talk was opaque to me .

  7. 她一想起那次谈话就气得满脸通红。

    She blushed furiously at the memory of the conversation .

  8. 我们终于可以放松下来,无拘无束地谈话了。

    At last we could relax and talk without constraint .

  9. 管保你会降低谈话的格调。

    Trust you to lower the tone of the conversation .

  10. 我在街上看见她了,但我们没有谈话。

    I saw her in the street but we didn 't speak .

  11. 她一字不差地把他们的谈话对我复述了一遍。

    She repeated their conversation word for word to me .

  12. 我仅听到他们谈话的结尾。

    I only caught the fag end of their conversation .

  13. 经过一个小时乏味的谈话之后,我离开了。

    After an hour of insipid conversation , I left .

  14. 我们谈话时,比尔忙着做午饭。

    While we talked , Bill busied himself fixing lunch .

  15. 这些谈话涉及的问题非常广泛。

    The talks embraced a wide range of issues .

  16. 大门口对话机的蜂响声打断了我们的谈话。

    The buzz of the Entryphone interrupted our conversation .

  17. 她一踏进屋子里,热烈的谈话便戛然而止。

    The buzz of conversation suddenly stopped when she came into the room .

  18. 我们常常没有时间谈话。

    We don 't often have time to talk .

  19. 她用尽办法要他跟她谈话。

    She tried desperately to engage him in conversation .

  20. 她和往常一样,垄断了这次谈话。

    As usual , she completely monopolized the conversation .

  21. 谈话的主题是选举可能产生的结果。

    The main topic of conversation was the likely outcome of the election .

  22. 房间里充满了嘈杂的谈话声。

    The room filled with the hum of conversation .

  23. 他们坐着谈话,一直谈到深夜。

    They sat and talked deep into the night .

  24. 采访谈话先录了音,然后再抄录出来。

    The interview was recorded and then transcribed .

  25. 这次谈话既长见识又饶有趣味。

    The talk was both informative and entertaining .

  26. 我只听到谈话的一些片段。

    I only caught snatches of the conversation .

  27. 和他谈话你会一无所获。

    Talking to him will get you nowhere .

  28. 她和我谈话亲切随和,使我不感到拘束。

    She addressed me with an easy familiarity that made me feel at home .

  29. 经理逐一和他们各人谈话。

    The manager spoke to them all individually .

  30. 警察已秘密地把几次谈话拍摄下来。

    The police had secretly filmed the conversations .