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dī yǔ
  • whisper;murmur;aside;speak in a low voice
低语 [dī yǔ]
  • (1) [murmur]∶轻声细语

  • 她的低语是一句安慰话

  • (2) [words spoken aside]∶用低声说的话,使在场的某人或某些人听不见

  • 说了几句告别的低语

  1. 她会把声音压低,轻蔑地低语。

    Her voice will drop to a dismissive whisper

  2. 他的声音渐渐变为了小声低语。

    His voice died away in a whisper

  3. “去请大夫。”他颤声低语说。

    ' Get the doctor , ' he whispered shakily .

  4. 他能听见门那边的低语声和窸窸窣窣的走动声。

    He could hear whispering and scuffling on the other side of the door .

  5. 他满足地轻声低语。

    He was purring with satisfaction .

  6. 那位女士捅了捅邻座,急切地在他耳边低语。

    The woman prodded her neighbour and whispered urgently in his ear .

  7. 人群的喧哗平息下来,变成了满怀期待的低语声。

    The roar of the crowd stilled to an expectant murmur

  8. 他轻轻晃动着鸟笼,和金丝雀轻声低语着。

    He gently rattled the cage and whispered to the canary

  9. 卧室里医生喋喋不休的低语声已经停下了。

    The droning murmur of the doctor 's voice in the bedroom had ceased .

  10. 她低语道:“多可爱呀。”

    ' How lovely , ' she murmured

  11. 一阵悄悄的低语声传遍了整个教室。

    A quiet murmur passed through the classroom

  12. 当他们学习时你不要轻声低语。

    You don 't mutter when they are studying .

  13. 当他们学习时不要轻声低语。

    Don 't mutter when they are studying .

  14. 随后,她听到了一阵急促的低语从她身后传来,“这边走,我知道另一条出路。”雷茜警觉地环顾四周,惊讶地发现浴室里竟然有一个啦啦队队长正站在她的身后。

    Then she heard an urgent whisper coming from behind her ... " This way , quick , I know another way out ! " Spinning around , Lacey was shocked to see another cheerleader standing12 in the bathroom behind her .

  15. v.低语一些水手开始低声说这带来了噩运。

    murmur Some of the sailors began to murmur about it bringing bad luck .

  16. 在几个小时疯狂的内衣裤采购后走出商店,我想起这个句话,重复对自己低语:Perchi?

    Out on the street after my delirious hours of lingerie shopping , I remembered this line and repeated it to myself in a whisper : Per chi ?

  17. 在几个小时疯狂的内衣裤采购后走出商店,我想起这个句话,重复对自己低语:“Perchi?”

    Out on the street after my delirious hours of lingerie shopping , I remembered this line and repeated it to myself in a whisper : " Per chi ? "

  18. 在电影《公民凯恩》(CitizenKane)中也有这样的一个著名桥段——主角临终前神秘地低语:“玫瑰花蕾!”

    One of the most famous moments in film is the mysterious deathbed murmur in " Citizen Kane " : " Rosebud ! "

  19. (再次低语道)还有,你知道,你推出的新款iPhone有前置摄像头以及视频通话功能,可以送我一部吗?

    ( murmuring again ) And , you know your new iPhone with the front camera and video chat , could you send me one of those ?

  20. 尽管高缇耶从2003年至2010年为该品牌服务了七年,但他似乎一直不能完全适应爱马仕的第一位时装设计师马丁·马吉拉(MartinMargiela,1997-2003)确立的低调风格。马吉拉以在女人们的低语声中展示服装而闻名。

    Despite being at the brand for seven years , from 2003 to 2010 , Mr. Gaultier never seemed entirely comfortable with Herm è s 's understated approach as defined by its first catwalk designer , Martin Margiela ( 1997-2003 ) , who was famous for setting his shows to the murmured conversation of women .

  21. 这里没有消息,没有低语,没有呼唤。

    There is no word , no whisper , no cry .

  22. “我只看到火光,”她低语回答。

    I only watch the sparks , he murmurs in response .

  23. 周围的人群发出了“赞美主”的低语声。

    Murmurs of " Praise God " went around the circle .

  24. 我们一心寻找神迹的震撼,所以错过了圣灵的低语。

    We may pass whisper of Holy Spirit looking for miracles .

  25. 这仁慈的低语象一把匕首直刺进我的心。

    The kind whisper went to my heart like a dagger .

  26. 她唱得如此轻柔,几乎像章晨低语。

    She sang so softly that it was almost a whisper .

  27. 他试着在她耳边低语,她却不予理睬。

    He tried whispering in her ear . She ignored him .

  28. 爱你一生。我轻声低语道。

    I love you with my life . I murmured quietly .

  29. 在阴影中起舞,她们仿佛那爱的低语。

    They 're dancing in the shadow like whispers of dove .

  30. 声音变轻而成低语。他害羞,说话轻声细语的。

    Soften into a murmur He is a shy soft-spoken person .