
  • 网络low frequency characteristic
  1. 根据GPS多路径低频特性,提出了基于FIR滤波器设计的GPS多路径效应提取方法。

    3n According to the low frequency characteristic of the multipath , put forward a data processing method based on the FIR filter design .

  2. 电学标准量具RX7/0型电容箱低频特性的研究

    Low frequency characteristic of rx7 / 0 capacitor standard

  3. RC耦合单管放大电路低频特性的分析

    Analysis on low frequency characteristics of RC coupling single stage amplifier

  4. 本文通过有限积分方法(FIT)对紧缩场的低频特性进行计算,并通过这种精确离散化仿真计算结果与近似算法的比较,证明在一定情况下近似方法有它的适用范围。

    Performance of compact range in low frequency is simulated by FIT and applicable ranges of convolution method of antenna near field calculation are proved by the results .

  5. 系统的低频特性,UWB特性和大处理角特性使得常规SAR极化校准不再适用。

    The low frequency , UWB and large processing angle result that the polarimetric calibration for regular SAR system cannot be used .

  6. 以8K型电力机车为例,结合现场测试,分析研究了列车在不同运行情况下司机室的主要噪声源及其噪声频谱特性:常速下,呈低频特性;

    Exampling type 8K electric locomotive and combining with a field testing , this paper analyzed and researched the main noise sources and the noise characteristic of the cab under various conditions .

  7. 另一个解决方案是基于频谱搬移技术的AANC系统,利用车内噪声的低频特性将语音与信号在频域上分离,同样达到了在降噪的同时进行语音通信的目的。

    In the end , the pure speech signal is obtained . Another proposed AANC system is combined with spectrum shifting . It makes use of that the car interior noise is at low frequency and separates the speech and noise in frequency domain .

  8. 音箱低频特性辅助分析软件的研究与开发

    The Soft for Sound - box Characteristic Simulating And Analyzing

  9. 改善步进电机低频特性的续流回路方法

    Continuous Current Circuit Applied to Improving Low Frequency Characteristic of Stepping Motor

  10. 压电式动态应变测量系统低频特性的补偿研究

    Research on compensation of low frequency response of piezoelectric dynamic strain measurement system

  11. 双馈电机直接转距控制低频特性研究

    Study on Low Frequency Characteristic of Direct Torque Control about Double Fed Generator

  12. 本文介绍了速度型拾振器低频特性的拓展技术研究。

    This paper introduces low frequency characteristic extension technique of velocity vibration sensor .

  13. 阐述扬声器低频特性的研究发展,特别是国内外对品质因数研究的比较;

    The researching development on the characteristics of low frequency loudspeakers is expounded .

  14. 为了改善调谐前端的低频特性,提出了一种改进型的T型调谐电路结构。

    For improving the low-frequency characteristics , we present a novel tee-tuning configuration .

  15. 抽水蓄能电站机组的起动方式及其低频特性对保护的影响

    The Influence of Start Methods And LF Characteristic of Pump Storage Group on Protection

  16. 采用全面最小二乘法测量开口箱扬声器系统低频特性参数

    Low frequency characteristic parameter measurement of vented-box loudspeaker system using Total Least Squares Method

  17. 混凝土阻抗谱的低频特性

    Low frequency characteristics of impedance spectroscopy of concrete

  18. 放大电路低频特性是放大器的重要特性参数之一。

    Low Frequency Characteristics of amplifier is one of the most important characteristic parameter .

  19. 音箱研讨(一)&扬声器阻抗曲线和低频特性的分析

    Study and Discussion on Loudspeakers & Analysis of the Impedance Curve and Low Frequency Characteristics

  20. 若把两种滤波器级联,低频特性可以互相补偿。

    The low frequency characteristic can be compensated if two kinds of filters are cascaded .

  21. 对相位屏的方差、低频特性进行了有效控制和改善。

    And how to control phase screen parameters and improve low frequency characteristic are also described in detail .

  22. 超磁致伸缩驱动器具有输出应变大、响应速度快、低频特性好等特点。

    The giant magnetostrictive actuator has the features of big output strain force , rapid responsibility and low frequency .

  23. 水平电偶极变频测深的低频特性和对高阻层的穿透问题

    The low-frequency characteristics and the problem of penetration of high resistance shielding layer for horizontal electric dipole parametric depth sounding

  24. 本文提出一种数字滤波的方案对传感器的低频特性进行补偿。

    A digital filtering method is presented in this paper for the compensation of the low frequency characteristics of the sensors .

  25. 针对脉象信号的时变、非线性和低频特性,提出了应用小波变换模极大对脉象信号进行研究的方法。

    To deal with time-varying , nonlinear and low frequency characteristics of pulse signal , a method based on wavelet transform modulus maxima is presented .

  26. 在此基础上,用电路网络对磁电式检波器的低频特性作进一步的校正,得到了惯性式特殊低频传感器。

    A circuit network is used to further compensate the low frequency characteristics and a novel type of inertial extremely low frequency transducer is obtained .

  27. 其特点是频带宽、高频响应好、勘探分辨率高、而且又具有较高的灵敏度和良好的低频特性,因而有更广泛的工程实用价值。

    It posseses the following characteristics : wide band , good high frequency response , high exploration resolution , higher sensitivity and desirable low frequency features .

  28. 采用了固定通信距离下的最差参数逼近方法,对实际电力线传输信道的低频特性进行实证研究。

    It uses the worst parameters approximation method in a fixed communication distance to conduct an empirical study on low-frequency characteristics of the actual power line transmission channel .

  29. 基于零极点配置的原理进行了振动传感器的低频特性补偿的仿真研究,为振动传感器的低频特性补偿提供了参数。

    The simulation of low frequency compensation is processed based on zero - pole configuration theory , and the parameter is useful to low frequency compensation of the sensor .

  30. 爆破振动衰减较快,而后座和塌落振动因其低频特性衰减相对较慢。

    We also found that attenuation of backlash and collapse vibration wave are more rapid than the backlash and blasting vibration wave for the low velocity trait of them .