
  1. 一种地面低空雷达应用PD体制的方法设计

    A Designing Method of Ground-based Low Altitude Radar Using PD System

  2. 针对地面低空雷达应用PD体制的杂波重叠问题,提出了分时分重频的设计方法。

    Aimed at the clutter overlap of PD system applied to the ground-based low altitude radar , a designing method of a different PRF with respect to each interval of scanning time was proposed .

  3. 超低空雷达引信信号检测方法与仿真

    Detection and simulation for signal of extra-low-altitude radar fuse

  4. 一种低空雷达垂直波瓣宽度展宽方法及实现

    A Method and Implementation of Expanding Vertical Beam-wide of a Low Altitude Radar

  5. 某低空搜索雷达天线系统的结构设计

    The Structure Design of Antenna System for a Low Altitude Surveillance Radar

  6. 舰载超低空搜索雷达设计参数选择

    Parameter selection in Shipborne ultralow coverage search radar design

  7. 低空防御雷达的现状和发展

    Developments in Low - altitude Defensive Radars

  8. 介绍了某低空搜索雷达天线系统的结构总体设计思路和设计方案。

    The design idea and the design pattern of antenna system for a low altitude surveillance radar is presented in this paper .

  9. 针对相位编码脉冲压缩的地面低空搜索雷达,介绍了一种新的产生地物杂波序列的方法。

    Dealing with the binary coded pulse compression low-altitude search radar , a technique is presented in this paper for producing land cluter sequences through computers .

  10. 本文就参差脉冲调制对主振放大式发射机信号频谱纯度的影响进行初步探讨,针对某超低空搜索雷达采用的成组参差脉冲调制形式对发射机信号频谱纯度的影响进行分析。

    This paper discusses the effect of staggered pulse modulation , especially the staggered pulse string modulation on the spectral quality of RF singnals in radar transmitter .

  11. 给合某低空升高雷达车体工业造型设计实际,介绍产品工业造型设计必需遵循的三个基本原则,即:实用、美观和经济性。

    Combining practical industrial modeling design of a low level elevating radar vehicle , three fundamental principles , i. e utility , artistic and economic that must be obeyed while doing industrial modeling design of the product are introduced ;

  12. 归纳了对陆基中低空防空雷达的新的要求,主要是强的抗干扰性能,好的低空特性,满足武器系统需要的探测小目标的能力,快速的搜捕截获目标的能力等;

    The article concludes the new requirement of ground based mid and low altitude defense radars , mainly including good ECCM performance , good low altitude property , the required capability of small target detecting for weapon systems , capability of rapid search and acquisition .

  13. 从大气波导效应的成因、类型以及在我国的分布情况出发,分析了大气波导效应对低空搜索雷达正常工作的影响,初步提出了在大气波导情况下改善和提高雷达低空检测性能的技术措施。

    This paper reviews the causes and types of " Duct " and its distribution in our country , analyses its effect on radar performance of low altitude detection , and presents technical measures for improving and enhancing low altitude detection performance of radar in " duct " environment .

  14. 国外低空近程三维雷达研制动态综述

    Developments of Foreign Low-level Short-range 3D Radar

  15. 浙江省公安部表示,措施适用于慢速、低空飞行或雷达难以发现的飞行器。

    The Zhejiang Public Security Department said aircraft subject to the measures are those that either fly slow or at very low altitude , or that are difficult for radar to spot .

  16. 如果它超低空飞行就会避开雷达。

    If he flies low enough , he 'll evade radar .

  17. 现代武装直升机的超低空飞行,使得雷达系统已经无能为力,因此通过直升机的飞行噪声对其进行识别和定位具有重要意义。

    That modern armed helicopter flies at super low space makes radar system useless , so it is important to identify and locate a helicopter through its flying noise .