
  • 网络battlefield surveillance radar
  1. 相扫体制战场侦察雷达的多目标闭环跟踪设计

    Design of Multi-target Closed Loop Tracking for Phase-scanned Battlefield Surveillance Radar

  2. 直升机载战场侦察雷达空时自适应处理实用方法研究

    Research on practical approaches to space-time adaptive processing for heliborne battlefield surveillance radar

  3. 提高战场侦察雷达装备RMS的措施

    Measures for Increasing Battlefield Reconnaisance Radar RMS

  4. 8mm战场侦察雷达信号处理系统的实现

    Achievement of Signal Processing Subsystem in an 8mm Battlefield Reconnaissance Radar

  5. 介绍了基于相位中心偏置天线(DisplacedPhaseCenterAntenna,DPCA)的机载战场侦察雷达主杂波的抑制系统的设计与实现。

    This paper describes the design and implementation of an airborne radar ground clutter suppression system based on DPCA ( displaced phase center antenna ) .

  6. 便携式LPI战场侦察雷达收发系统设计

    Design of the Transceiver System of a Portable LPI Battlefield Reconnaissance Radar

  7. 论述8mm战场侦察雷达信号系统的K距离估算、参数计算、硬件结构等问题。

    This paper discusses such problems as range estimation , parameter calculation and hardware structure of signal processing subsystem in 8mm battlefield reconnaissance .

  8. 文中介绍了通过采用成熟技术和元器件,加强战场侦察雷达的自动化、模块化、标准化和通用化设计,采用雷达故障自检技术和对装备的不断改进来达到提高雷达RMS的措施。

    This paper explains that the battlefield reconnaisance radar 's RMS can be improved by using mature technique , careful design of artillery radar automation , modulization , standardization and interchangeability , self-test technique and improvement of radar itself .

  9. 通过对战场侦察雷达回波信号的分析,建立了视频信号仿真模型,并以8mm连续处二相码调制雷达为例对视频形式的回波信号进行了计算机仿真。

    In this paper , a video signal simulation model is proposed by analysing echo of in battlefield detecting short range radar . Video echo signal of CW radar modulated by binary code signal is simulated .

  10. 2001年夏对某机载战场侦察雷达的GMTI功能进行了挂飞试验,并录取了一批双通道(天线)数据。

    In the summer of 2001 , the ground moving target indication ( GMTI ) of an airborne battlefield reconnaissance radar was first tested in China and the data of two real channels were recorded .

  11. 战场侦察雷达的情报系统综合

    Information System Integrated Problems of Battle & Field Survillance Radar

  12. 近程战场侦察雷达的视频信号仿真

    Simulation for video signal of short range battleground investigating radar

  13. 战场侦察雷达目标的自动识别

    Automatic identification of targets detected by battlefield scout radar

  14. 便携式战场侦察雷达低截获波形激励设计

    Design of LPI Waveform-Generation of Protable Battlefield Reconnaissance Radar

  15. 战场侦察雷达地面运动目标检测

    The Ground Moving Target Detection of Battlefield Reconnaissance Radar

  16. 机载远程战场侦察雷达发展评述

    Review of Airborne Long Distance Surveillance Radar Development

  17. 国外升空战场侦察雷达评述

    Reviewing on foreign overhead battlefield surveillance radar systems

  18. 机载远程战场侦察雷达波控分系统的设计

    Design Considerations about the Beam Steering Sub-System of Airborne Long Range Battlefield Surveillance Radar

  19. 地平线远程战场侦察雷达系统

    HORIZON Long Range Ground Surveillance Radar System

  20. 战场侦察雷达技术概述

    An Overview of Battlefield Surveillance Radar Technology

  21. 本文介绍一种新型战场侦察雷达,该雷达体积小、重量轻、机动性强。

    This paper introduces a new smaller , lighter , more flexibility battlefield scouting radar .

  22. 轻型战场侦察雷达的结构总体设计

    Structural Design of Battlefield Scouting Radar

  23. 机载远程战场侦察雷达是一种新型的多模机载雷达,它采用无源相扫体制。

    Airborne long range battlefield surveillance radar is a new kind of airborne multimode radar with passive phased-array antenna .

  24. 便携式战场侦察雷达已被世界各国广泛应用于战场情报侦察、边境和敏感区域监视等任务中,其主要用途是对指定地区的活动目标进行探测。

    Portable battlefield reconnaissance radars have been widely used in many countries for moving target detection at battlefield , frontier and some important areas .

  25. 收发系统作为便携式战场侦察雷达的重要组成部分,其功耗、体积、重量、低截获和改善因子等均为工程设计的重点。

    The design methods of the transceiver system about integration and modularization , low power consumption , miniaturization , and LPI are presented in this paper .

  26. 本文主要对基于低分辨率战场侦察雷达体制的自动目标识别技术进行研究,所采用的方法是用支持向量机做分类器。

    This thesis mainly investigates the RATR technology based on low resolution battlefield reconnaissance radar , by using support vector machine ( SVM ) as the classifier .

  27. 机载战场侦察雷达主要用于检测地面低速运动目标,此时目标多普勒频率与主杂波多普勒频率非常接近,甚至淹没在主杂波多普勒频谱中。

    ABSR mainly used to detect the slow targets on ground whose Doppler frequencies are very close to clutter Doppler spectrum , or even fail into clutter Doppler band .

  28. 战场侦察雷达是炮兵射击指挥系统的重要情报前端,是炮兵最有效和最有发展前途的技术侦察手段。

    Battlefield reconnaisance radar is an important information source for fire command system of artillery , and is the most valid technical reconnaissance method . It has wide development prospect .

  29. 本文主要研究机载战场侦察雷达的地杂波抑制,由于采用了低脉冲重复频率和低副瓣天线,我们主要考虑主杂波的抑制。

    This dissertation studies the ground clutter suppression of ABSR . Because low pulse repetition frequency ( LPRF ) and low side-lobe antenna are adopted , we focus on main-lobe clutter suppression .

  30. 机载战场侦察雷达面临的杂波环境是很复杂的,有效地抑制时间非平稳和空间非平稳的杂波干扰是雷达系统完成地面目标、海洋目标以及低空目标检测必须首要解决的问题。

    BSR confronts with complicated clutter circumstance , it 's the most important thing we must do to restrain clutter not smooth in time domain or frequency domain in order to detect interesting targets of mainland and sea level .