
zhàn lüè bù shǔ
  • strategic deployment;strategy;strategic plan
  1. 大型发电电动机国产化的战略部署

    Strategic Deployment of Localization for Large Generator / Motor

  2. 另一方面,苏联的全球战略部署还没有准备好。

    Moreover , the Soviet Union has not yet finished its global strategic deployment .

  3. 但是,面对我国巨大的3G手机市场,国内外品牌都在积极的进行战略部署与调整。

    But , with large 3G handset market , domestic brands and foreign brands companies are busy with strategic adjustment .

  4. 欧洲管理培训中心是EMC的一个分支部门,专门帮助各类公司在欧洲找到准确的市场定位,其中包括市场战略部署,市场营销及供应链管理等。

    European Management Coaching , a division of EMC , helps companies to build significant market positions in Europe through partnerships covering company strategy , sales , marketing , and distribution .

  5. 在美国调整全球战略部署、加大对亚洲的重视之际,空海一体战(AirSeaBattle)这一作战概念力求在具有战略重要性的区域保持军事优势。

    The AirSea Battle fighting concept aims to maintain military dominance in strategically important areas as the US reconfigures its global outlook more towards Asia .

  6. 针对目前IDS面临的挑战,给出了粗略的IDS战略部署方案,为企业实际应用奠定了良好的理论基础。

    At the same time it gave a rough IDS strategic scheme to major challenges that IDS faces at present and has established the good theoretical foundation for the practical application of the enterprise .

  7. 好了,看看选区的战略部署吧

    Okay , let 's move on to our field plan .

  8. 关于实施第三步战略部署问题的研究

    Study on How to Put the Third Strategic Plan into Effect

  9. 可持续发展企业:战略部署与绿色经济

    The Sustainable Enterprise : Aligning Strategy and the Green Imperative

  10. 低级别的玩家,需要一个简单的战略部署。

    At a low level , you 'll need a simple strategy .

  11. 中国大型国企一向围绕战略部署进行激烈争夺。

    Large SOEs in China have always fought tough battles over strategy .

  12. 大力发展林业生态经济全面实施新时期林业建设战略部署

    Development the forestry eco-economics energetically , implement the stratagem of forestry construction

  13. 振兴东北老工业基地的战略部署,给东北带来了难得的历史性发展机遇。

    Northeastern old industrial base reconstruction brings historical development chance for Northeastern region .

  14. 今天,我想就明年的战略部署进行一下解释。

    Today , I 'm going to explain our strategy for next year .

  15. 这是一项重要的战略部署。

    It is a goal of strategic importance .

  16. 负责本部门中国延期保修的业务规划和战略部署。

    This person will oversees the sector 's business planning and strategy development in China .

  17. 推进新农村建设的每一项战略部署和具体措施都离不开农业信息化的有效支撑。

    The strategy and measures can not get away from effective support of agricultural information-based .

  18. 城市总体规划是城市未来发展的战略部署,对城市未来的发展具有重要的战略指导意义。

    Urban master planning is the strategic deployment of a city 's development in the future .

  19. 三线建设是新中国经济建设史上最重要的一次战略部署。

    The Third-line construction is the most important strategic plan in the history of building new China .

  20. 数据和文本挖掘-建立描述和预测模型,和基于整个企业的战略部署。

    Data and Text Mining – Build descriptive and predictive models and deploy results throughout the enterprise .

  21. 李瑜:这取决于我们的产品战略部署和百度平台的特点。

    Li Yu : This depends on the characteristic of our product strategy deploy and Baidu platform .

  22. 生态系统发展的战略部署

    Strategy of ecosystem development

  23. 这一重大战略部署为东北老工业基地的发展提供了一次难得的机遇,具有重要的历史和现实意义。

    The strategic idea made a historical and significant opportunity for the development of the northeast industrial base .

  24. 在吸取教训和调整战略部署后,苏军以绝对优势兵力发动第二阶段进攻。

    After summing up the lessons learned and adjusting deployment , Soviet troops launched the second phase attack .

  25. “十一五”规划纲要中提出了“加快推进事业单位分类改革”的战略部署。

    The " Eleventh Five-year Plan " proposed the strategic deployment to promote the classification reform of public institutions .

  26. 通过分析大量数据发现,解决复杂的问题,产生基于整个企业的战略部署。

    Analyze huge quantities of data to make discoveries , solve complex problems and deploy results throughout the enterprise .

  27. 继西部大开发之后,中央最近又提出振兴东北老工业基地的战略部署。

    The central government put forward the strategy of deploying the old industry base after the west region exploitation .

  28. 2010年的《政府工作报告》中做出区域经济协调发展的战略部署:推进区域经济协调发展。

    2010 " Government Work Report " to make regional economic development strategic plan : to promote regional economic development .

  29. 这些运营中蕴含怎样的战略部署,不同的应用商店又是怎样帮助应用开发者来推销自己的产品?

    What is the strategy behind each store ? How the store owners help the developers to promote their applications ?

  30. 国务院提出大力发展职业教育,体现了国家对大力发展职业教育的坚定意志与战略部署。

    The State Council proposes vigorous development of professional education , showing the strong will and strategic deployment of the state .