
zhù chéng
  • fortification
筑城 [zhù chéng]
  • [fortification] [对一军队驻地] 设置防御工事

筑城[zhù chéng]
  1. 黑龙江流域金代女真人的筑城与分布

    Jurchen People 's Fortification and Distribution of Heilongjiang River Basin in Jin Dynasty

  2. 山西作为明代的边疆之地,由于明蒙军事冲突而导致的筑城运动在整个明代山西筑城史上占据着极为重要的位置。

    Shanxi Province was located in the borderland between Ming dynasty and Mongolia , thus the fortification movement that caused by military conflict occupied a extremely important position of the Shanxi fortification history in the Ming dynasty .

  3. 如今的齐国对您来说就像海水一样,您多年得到齐国的庇护,还用得着在薛地筑城吗?

    To Your Majesty4 , state Qi is like the sea . And Qi has protected you for a long time . So there is no need to build city wall in Xue .

  4. 如果齐国灭亡了,即使薛城筑得上顶青天,还不是一样无济于事吗?”田婴听了这个故事,马上终止了薛地筑城的计划。

    If state Qi was conquered , then it wouldn 't help even if there was a very high city wall here . " After hearing this story , Tian Ying stopped the plan to build the city wall .

  5. 面海·融山·筑城&营造具有地域特色的城市街区

    Constructing City Blocks with Local Features

  6. 明南京城墙筑城人员构成及用工量初探

    A Preliminary Study on the Staff and Amount of Engineering in the Project of City Wall of Nanjing in Ming Dynasty

  7. 在中国几千年的筑城史中,明代是筑城活动的最后一次高潮,也是城墙修筑的成熟阶段。

    All through the thousands of years in the Chinese history , Ming Dynasty is the last peak and the most mature stage of city building .

  8. 最后,建议借鉴古代筑城经验,以新城区的建设带动旧城区的功能疏散,协调好城市发展与古城格局保护的关系。

    Finally , based on the experience of the old Guangzhou expansion , it is suggested to coordinate the relationship between the urban construction and the protection of the old town features .

  9. 据记载,因初次在这里筑城时挖出金子,故取名金城,还有一种说法是依据“金城汤池”的典故,喻其坚固。

    According to records , for the first time in Zhucheng , dug up the gold here , so named Jincheng , there is a view is based on the " Jinchengtangchi " the story , Yu its strong .

  10. 兰尼斯特家族历史悠久,向上可以追溯到英雄纪元时的骗术高手机灵的兰尼。他和筑城者布兰登一样同富传奇色彩,却更受歌手和说书人的爱戴。

    The Lannisters were an old family , tracing their descent back to Lann the Clever , a trickster from the Age of Heroes who was no doubt as legendary as Bran the Builder , though far more beloved of singers and taletellers .