
  1. 人格尊严权是宪法保护的公民基本权利之一,不能把人格尊严看作是生命权的内容。

    The right of dignity is not the content of right of life .

  2. 在将人格尊严权与人格自由权作为个别(具体)人格权之后,司法解释将承担进一步明确这两个权利的内容与具体范围的任务。

    Then judicial interpretation should take the responsibility to make clear the content and scope of both rights .

  3. 在诸多的死刑犯实体权利当中,最重要的当属人格尊严权。

    Among the entity rights of prisoners sentenced to death , the right of personal dignity is of the greatest importance .

  4. 本文拟尝试以法益分析的方法从民法学之生命权和人格尊严权角度对安乐死做一初步考量。

    This article attempts to apply the analysis by legal inter - est to the research of euthanasia from the aspects of natural man 's right of life and personal dignity .

  5. 犯罪嫌疑人的正当权利有必然权利和应然权利。必然权利是其作为人所固有的权利,如人身权利、人格尊严权,在刑事诉讼中重点表现为沉默权;

    Suspects ' legitimate rights can be divided into two types : one is the inevitable rights which are possessed by man by nature , such as personal right , personal right of dignity , and in lawsuit it is especially embodied as the right of silence ;

  6. 在人格权立法的多元模式中,我们可以将人格尊严权与人格自由权作为个别(具体)人格权来处理。

    So we can divide the right of personality into personal dignity and Personal freedom , etc , which all are individual personal right .