
  1. 对社会的疏离到对人生责任的自觉承担,也代表了中国现代文学发展到40年代的一种潮流。

    It represents a trend of modern Chinese literature in the 1940s .

  2. 胜利者不会佯装无助,也绝不会玩推诿的把戏。相反,他们会承担起自己的人生责任。

    Winners do not play " helpless ", nor do they play the blaming game . Instead , they assume responsibility for their own lives .

  3. 人生的责任与义务究竟是什么呢?

    What are the responsibilities and commitments of the life ?

  4. 相反,他们会为自己的人生承担责任。

    Instead , they assume responsibility for their own lives .

  5. 正因如此,我们才应该尽我们的最大努力,来履行我们人生的责任与义务。

    Therefore , we should try our best so that we can fulfill our life responsibilities and commitment .

  6. 你能多大程度地实现梦想取决于你能多大程度地为自己的人生承担责任。

    The extent to which you can achieve your dreams depends on the extent to which you take responsibility for your life .

  7. 但彼此之前都有另外几段感情,也都有子女,这对爱侣为人生的责任所牵绊,一直就没有时间结为伉俪。

    But with previous relationships and children , the lovebirds got swept up in life 's responsibilities and never got around to tying the knot .

  8. 我认为,人如果能做到了这三点,他就算无愧于自己人生的责任与义务了。

    In my opinion , if someone can realize the three things above , he has made his responsibilities to fulfill the commitments of his life .

  9. 我对自己的人生负全部责任!

    I 'm totally responsible for my life !

  10. 人生因为有责任而踏实,逃避责任就是虚度人生。

    Life becomes meaningful when we shoulder responsibilities . Avoiding responsibilities makes our life empty .

  11. 你会注视那些说相反的话,并推延他们所创造的人生戏剧的责任的人吗?

    Will you look at those who said otherwise and hold them responsible for the drama they created ?

  12. 认识到你必须对自己的人生百分之百负责任,将是你取得一切伟大成就的起点。

    Recognizing the fact that you are100 % responsible for your life is the starting point of all great achievements .

  13. 当你开始对自己人生负起责任时,你才会发现在社会上生活是多么的不容易!

    When you begin to take responsibility for your own life , you will grasp how hard it is to conduct yourself in society !

  14. 根据我所了解的自己的性格、天分、喜欢,以及不喜欢,我对制定自己的人生目标负责任。

    I am responsible for making plans with my life goals based on what I know about my personality , my talents , my likes , and dislikes .

  15. 我将把他定义为这样的人,他把以苏格拉底的方式去思考道德问题作为人生首要的责任和乐趣。

    I shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in Socratic way about moral problem .

  16. 教育落差悬殊的离异中家庭具有沟通困难和冲突尖锐的特点,造成孩子难以树立正确的是非标准和自主、自信的人生观、责任感。

    A divorcing family with a sharp fall in education is characterized by difficult communication and intense conflict which makes it difficult for the children to establish the right and wrong standard , life outlook of autonomy and self-confidence and sense of responsibility .

  17. 一切都是我的错,我要对自己的人生负100%的责任。

    Everything is my fault . I'm100 % responsible for my life .

  18. 论当代大学生的人生价值与历史责任

    On Contemporary College Students'Life Value and Historical Responsibility

  19. 我们不禁要大声疾呼:安全,是你人生中最大的责任。

    We can not help appealing to everyone : your greatest responsibility in life is to make sure of security .

  20. 相反,他们对人生总是独担责任,也不以权威姿态凌驾他人之上。

    Instead , they assume responsibility for their own lives . They don 't give others a false authority over them .

  21. 你有多大可能实现梦想取决于你承担了人生中的多少责任。

    The extent to which you can live your dream life depends on the extent to which you take responsibility for your life .

  22. 我个人认为一个善良,支持你,和你有着相似人生目标,有责任感的伴侣是更重要的。

    While being attracted to someone is really important , perhaps even necessary , it 's not the criteria by which one should go spouse-shopping .

  23. 懂得死亡方使人处之泰然,知生命中的得失,通晓珍惜人生、爱和责任,体味死亡的尊严。

    Knowing the death made them calmly face it , know the gain and loss in the life , know love and responsibility in the life , feel the sanctity of the death .

  24. 写作教学作为语文教学中重要的组成部分,不仅担负着提高学生写作能力的责任,还承担着对学生进行思想品德教育和人生修养熏陶的责任。

    The teaching of writing , as a significant part of Chinese education , will not only assumes the responsibility of improving students ' writing ability , but also should do something for their ideological and moral education as well as life influence .

  25. 这与反常时代和社会环境的严重影响,诗人人生态度及其高度责任感、使命感和诗人的自觉追求是分不开的。

    Such a measure cannot be separated from the severe influence of the abnormal times then and the social environment , from the attitude towards life by the poet , from his high sense of responsibility and mission , and from his conscious pursuit .

  26. 当我睡着时,梦想着人生是多么的美丽;但当我醒来后,意识到人生就是责任。

    I slept , and dreamed that life was beauty ; I woke , and found that life was duty .

  27. 对此,我们要让他们明确人生目标,树立正确的价值理想,充实人生情感,积极承担人生责任。

    Thus , we should make them clear about the goal of life , establish the correct value and ideal , enrich life emotion , and shoulder the responsibility of life actively .