
  • 网络group affiliation;belonging
  1. 是不是就是这一次次的集体活动所点燃的集体归属感和荣誉感。

    Is it like the sense of belonging and honor of the group ignited by these group activities ?

  2. 我们听到上面没完没了地讲要在员工中培养一种集体归属感。

    We hear endless injunctions to build a sense of community among staff .

  3. 它通过关照民族本质特征和带有民族印记的文化本质特征,一方面反映个体的自由意识,另一方面也折射出传统、宗教、历史、文化、社会等带来的集体归属感。

    It attaches much importance to the essence of nation and culture with national marks which not only reflects individual free will but also indicates the collective sense of belongings generated from tradition , religion , history , culture and society .

  4. 而且,学生之间,学生与老师之间的互动和互相帮助同时也营造了合作学习气氛,增强了这些学生的集体归属感,提高了他们运用社会学习策略的意识。

    What is more , the mutual help and mutual understanding among students and among students and teachers produce cooperative atmosphere which contributes to the group membership of those students and also urges them to use more social learning strategies . 5 .

  5. 学校实行校服制有助于创建强有力的校风和学生对集体的归属感。

    Schools implement uniforms to help creat a strong sense of school ethos and a sense of belonging to a particular community .

  6. 好老师在班级里让学生有集体感和归属感。

    A great teacher creates a sense of community and belonging in the classroom .

  7. 鼓励市民自置居所,有助促进社会稳定和培养市民对香港的归属感。回归集体&浅论培养大学生集体归属感

    Promotion of home ownership helps to foster social stability and a sense of belonging . Rejoin the Collective-on Cultivating College Students ' Collective Spirit