
  1. 这种方法与故障表法、布尔差分法及D算法不同,只需进行普通的加、减运算及求集合的交等。

    The method is different from fault-list method , Boolean-difference method and D-algorithm .

  2. 我们定义了2型模糊软集合的交、并、补等基本运算,并且证明一些基本定律的成立。

    We define some operations and prove some basic laws on type-2 fuzzy soft sets .

  3. 运用清晰集合的交、并运算、模糊集的分解定理,本文提出了一个用多个清晰集合构造一个模糊集合的简易方法,并将这个方法应用于模糊综合评判。

    Based on intersection operator , union operator and fuzzy set decomposing theorem In this paper , a simple approach to construct a fuzzy set by using clear sets has been developed and applied to fuzzy comprehensive assessment .

  4. 集合族的有限交性质

    Finite intersection property of a family of sets

  5. 为此,算法首先将碰撞检测问题转化为一组线段集合与三角形的求交问题以实现碰撞检测算法向可编程图形硬件的迁移。

    For this , calculation is converted through algorism to a problem of concourse of a group of lines and intersecting solution , hence a transference from colliding examination algorithm to programmable sketch hardware .

  6. 在指定的第一个集合与第二个集合的成员交集中深化,将结果集限于指定数目的最底层成员。

    Drills down the members in a specified set that are present in a second specified set , limiting the result set to a specified number of bottommost members .