
  1. 然后以家庭集体表演结束这个美好的夜晚。

    Then end the night with a family performance .

  2. 有一场出色的全明星阵容队集体表演。

    There was some wondeul ensemble acting from the all star cast .

  3. 同样的方式,一场个人表演或者集体表演也能改变我的人生。

    In the same vein , an actor 's performance or a collective performance can transform me .

  4. 有些员工可能会受老板和同事之邀参加集体表演,比如唱歌或跳舞。

    Employees may be invited by their boss or colleagues to perform in a show together , such as singing or dancing .

  5. 安妮:我知道,现代武术分为:拳术、器械练习、对练、集体表演和攻防技术五类。

    Annie : I know that the modem wushu is divided into five categories : fist , weapons exercise , combat , collective performance , and attack and defense .

  6. 团体操是一项体育与艺术相结合的,其融合了各种不同形式的文体表演形式,如艺术体操、武术及体操等不同的体育项目,但是主要还是以体操为主综合性集体表演项目。

    Gymnastics is a combination of sport and art , which combines various forms of cultural and sports performances , such as artistic gymnastics , martial arts and gymnastics , such as different sports , but mainly to gymnastics-based integrated group performances .

  7. 人气颇高的《法制晚报》(LegalEveningNews)撰文称:北京奥运会开幕式上的烟花和集体舞表演明确传达出这样一个信息,属于中国的时代已经到来了。

    The fireworks and mass acrobatics of Beijing delivered a clear message : China 's time has come , declared the Legal Evening News , a popular newspaper .

  8. 武术集体项目表演的创编方法探析

    Methods of Creating Wushu Team Event Performance

  9. 集体式突围表演&当前中国建筑的一种现象

    Group Breakthrough Show : A Reflection on Chinese Contemporary Architecture

  10. 举办哈他瑜伽的比赛,相当于组织尼姑集体做脱衣舞表演。

    Hatha yoga competition is the equivalent of organizing a strip show for nuns .

  11. :集体的合唱是集体的声乐表演艺术。

    collective Chorus is a collective vocality performing art .