
  • 网络integrated ceiling
  1. 集成吊顶是一个模块化程度很高的产品体系。

    The integral ceiling is a kind of product architecture with a high modular level .

  2. 观天下是一家集木门、整体衣柜、整体橱柜、楼梯、地板、集成吊顶、酒店家俱、办公家俱等为一体的专业家居集成制造企业。

    The whole world is a collection of wood , integral chest , integral ambry , stair , floor , ceiling , hotel furniture , office furniture , as one of the major household integrated manufacturing enterprises .

  3. 集成吊顶产品的设计既属于产品系统设计的范畴,又具有环境艺术设计的特征,产品既有很强的实用价值,又具有广泛的审美价值。

    The design of the integral ceiling belongs to product design , which has the characters of environmental art design at the same time . The product has great practical value , as well as wide-ranging aesthetic value .

  4. 我们努力,我们奋斗,我们拼搏,牢记自己的使命:为顾客提供卓越的集成吊顶产品和技术服务让客户给我们荣誉,让客户见证辉煌!

    We endeavor , we strive , we make efforts and bear in our mind our mission : providing our customers with the most excellent suspending ceilings so that they will honor us and will witness our success !