
rén tǐ měi
  • physical beauty
  1. 女性人体美的评价指标有腰臀比(WHR)、体质指数(BMI)和体积身高指数(VHI)。

    The determinants of female physical attractiveness are the waist to hip ratio ( WHR ), body mass index ( BMI ) and volume height index ( VHI ) .

  2. 脂肪是能派上生物用途的。在历史上的大部分时期,肥胖是生命力的象征,富人们以自己妻子的丰腴为美。不信就看看画家鲁本斯(Rubens)笔下的人体美吧。

    Fat has a biological purpose : for most of history it was a sign of vitality and rich men were proud of their rotund wives-look at the ideal of human beauty in a Rubens painting .

  3. 刍议人体美的精神气质与情感表达

    Expressing the Spirit and Emotion of the Beauty of Human Forms

  4. 人类进化与人体美

    The Evolution of Humanity and the Beauty of Human Body

  5. 其一,对人体美的艺术表现。

    First , theart shows the beauty of human body .

  6. 立体裁剪中人体美的塑造

    The Model of Body Beauty in Stereo Cutting

  7. 中级健美操对塑造大学生人体美的探索

    Probe Into the Effects of Intermediate Calisthenics on Moulding the Body Beauty of College Students

  8. 这幅画将自然美作为人体美的对比物。

    The painting portrayed the beauty of nature as counterpoint to that of a human body .

  9. 它的身体整体和身体主体观念影响了对人体美的判断。

    This idea of body-unity and body-subject affects one 's judgment of the beauty of human body .

  10. 把体育美学概括为人体美、技艺美、精神美和装饰美的4大形态。

    Human body , skill , spirit and decoration are four main forms of aesthetics of sport .

  11. 表现服饰美的一个重要因素是人体美。

    One of the most important factors of fashion beauty is the beauty of the human body .

  12. 人体美、技术美、人格美是构成体育之美的基本要素。

    The charms of the body , skills and character constitute the basic elements of the athletic beauty .

  13. 关于她及其特殊的容貌,卢基扬诺夫因其令人震惊的有关人体美的评论而登上头条。

    Along with her excessively dramatized features , Lukyanova has also made headlines for her appalling comments about physical beauty .

  14. 护理在满足人对生命的人体美、社会美、精神美的追求时,便获得了审美价值。

    Nursing obtains aesthetic value when it is satisfied with the pursuit for the beautification of body , society and soul .

  15. 本文认为舞蹈是一门动觉艺术,是无声的美,它是人的生命力的具体体现,是人体美的具体反映。

    Dancing is a silent art that shows beauty . It is the reflection of the power of life and its elegant .

  16. 男性与女性对女性人体美的审美认知一致,但是男性对人体美的要求明显高于女性。

    Male viewers had the same perception in female physical attractiveness as female viewers , but male viewers had higher requirements on female physical attriveness than female viewers .

  17. 小孩会注意到自信和人体美之间的差距,但一个大人会把这种行为当成事实。

    A child might notice a discrepancy between confidence and physical beauty ( they say the darndest things !), but an adult would likely take the behavior as fact .

  18. 文章以人体美为线索,通过对近代人体审美观念流变的归纳分析,对人体审美观念、审美心理等进行了探讨,并从中进一步审视了人体审美与服装流行的关系。

    Based on the aesthetic concepts of human bodies , this article analyzes the changing conception of human beauty , and the relationships between the aesthetic conception and fashion .

  19. 人体美是把人体作为审美对象进行美的关照,包含人体的形式美和精神美两方面内容,秦俑的人体美是秦俑的人体雕塑艺术的美学阐发。

    The physical beauty is taking the human body as an object of aesthetic beauty care it contains two aspects of formal beauty and spiritual beauty of the human body .

  20. 本文开篇考察了人体美的涵义,指出人体美以人的自然身体形式与内在精神心灵的美及其审美规律作为研究对象。

    This dissertation firstly reviews the meaning of physical aesthetics , which refers to the study of the beauty of human body and that of its related inner spirit and their aesthetic rules .

  21. 从女性着装心理的需求和内衣塑造健美曲线的可行性,我们可以肯定塑造女性人体美是女性内衣功能发展的终端。

    Based on women 's psychology ゝ wearing and the feasibility of underwear 's shaping women 's curve , we can conclude that it is the everlasting function of women 's underwear to heighten women 's curve .

  22. 但就整体上来说,创造美的意图和实相的人体美模式是西方古典艺术的突出特征,而以表现境界美的水墨山水画则充分展示了中国古代艺术的诗性风采。

    The western art is characterized by the model of human body which reflects the intention and the reality of beauty while Chinese art distinguishes itself by the poetic conception which is reflected in the landscape painting .

  23. 奴隶社会的古希腊,性崇拜在当时特定的大文化背景下,理所当然地演变为对于人体美的迷恋和创造,使人体艺术得以发展和繁荣;

    In Ancient Greece of the Slavery Society , sex worship , conditioned by its cultural context , had naturally evolved into the admiration for and the creation of body beauty , which contributed to the further development of the nude art .

  24. 体育舞蹈是世界性舞蹈,是体育与艺术学的高度结合,是通过各种舞步和造型展示出多姿多彩的优美形象,表现人体美、力量美、青春形体美和精神美。

    Physical dance is a worldwide dance , a high degree of integration of sports and art , showing colorful images beauty , the human body beauty , the power beauty , youth physical beauty and spiritual beauty through a variety of dance and modeling .

  25. 公主线结构在表现和处理人体美方面具有独到之处,具有最为典型的审美造型特征;同时,在立体裁剪中,它更能体现出服装的技术特征和良好的立体效果。

    The Princess Line with the most typical features of aesthetic style plays an important role in manifesting and handling the beauty of human body . At the same time , the Princess Line can reflect the technical characteristics of clothing and a good three-dimensional effect .

  26. 本文从体育与人体美,体育与心灵美,体育与社会美,体育与艺术美等角度探讨了体育与美学的关系,以及美学理论对体育运动的指导作用。

    This article inquired into the relationship between physical education and aesthetics from the physical education with the beauty of human body . spirit , society , art and so on . It also inquired into the leading function of aesthetics theory with the physical sports .

  27. 先秦人体之美的发展历程

    The Develpment of the Body Beauty in the Xian Qin Period

  28. 人体形体美是自然美的最高形态。

    The beauty of human figure is the superior form of natural beauty .

  29. 把人体的美与古文化的汉字结合,创造出美丽的意境画面。

    The body of ancient culture , beauty and character , creating a beautiful mood picture .

  30. 我很高兴我们终于开始关注人体之美了。

    I 'm so excited that we 're finally putting our bodies at the center of focus .