
zhàn shí jīnɡ jì
  • war time economy;wartime economics
  1. 他们不得不适应战时经济。

    They have had to adapt themselves to a war economy .

  2. 加强经济动员准备提高战时经济动员能力

    Preparing well for economic mobilization to improve the capability in wartime

  3. 全面抗战初期国民政府战时经济建设述论

    Wartime Economic Construction of Kuomintang Government at the Beginning of Total Resistance

  4. 大多数工业都重作调整,以适应战时经济的需要。

    Most industries were redirected to the needs of a wartime economy .

  5. 它是以牺牲农民利益为目的、而不是为农民利益服务的,是为日本战时经济服务的重要工具。

    They were important tools to serve Japanese wartime economy .

  6. 战时经济意味着在1940年到1950年间几乎没有建立新学校。

    The wartime economy meant that few new schools were built between 1940 and 1945 .

  7. 国民经济产业结构调整与战时经济动员

    Mobilization issues in national economic restructuring

  8. 盟军战略轰炸对德国战时经济、军事行动的影响

    The Strategic Bombing against Germany

  9. 我想做有战斗力的战时经济的努力,又因希特勒的犹豫不决而告吹。

    Once again my efforts to organize an effective war economy had been ruined by Hitler 's vacillation .

  10. 第二,瑞士政府筹划建立一个一旦德国入侵就能付诸实施的全面的战时经济;

    Secondly , The government of Switzerland would plan to build all-round war-time economy after the invasion of German .

  11. 第三,战时经济以满负荷运转,政府不得不对私人部门施加诸多管控措施来防止通胀。

    Third , war economies worked at maximum capacity ; many controls had to be imposed on the private sector to prevent inflation .

  12. 到了1863年,北方战时经济呈高速运转,从蒸气船到铁锹,一切都需要并且生产出来。

    By 1863 the Northern war economy was rumbling along in high gear . Everything from steamboats to shovels was needed and produced .

  13. 显然,战时经济反映了爱国主义与政府的非凡作用所产生的威力。

    Apparently , the war revealed capacities in the economy that depended on patriotism and , perhaps , the extraordinary role taken by government .

  14. 国民政府战时经济统制不善,是造成川省酒精业衰落的主要原因。

    The failure of economic control of the national government during the war period is the essential cause for the declination of alcohol industry in Sichuan .

  15. 一方面,杜鲁门政府的社会福利政策是针对二战后美国由战时经济向和平时期经济转型所造成的失业率上升、通货膨胀,以及大批军队复员所造成的社会经济问题而制定的。

    On one hand , the purpose of the policies is to deal with the problems of unemployment , inflation and demobilization which are caused by the transformation from wartime economy to peacetime economy .

  16. 伴随日本侵华战争形势的变化和日本国内战时经济统制体制的确立,战时日本在华直接投资策略和投资内容也在不断调整之中。

    With the change of Japanese aggressive war circumstances in China and the establishment of Japan 's wartime controlled economy , the tactics and items of Japanese direct investment in China were in frequent readjustment .

  17. 抗日战争爆发后,翁文灏成为大后方经济的主持人,西北地区、西南地区的经济建设如火如荼地进行,战时经济建设取得了一些成就。

    After the outbreak of the war , the wartime economic construction had made some achievements , especially in the Northwest and the Southwest region which provided the material foundation for the victory of Anti-Japanese War .

  18. 从中日战争发展态势,战时经济形势的严峻、国民政府战时政策的调整三个角度来阐述第一次全国生产会议召开的大环境。

    From three angles & " the development trend of the Sino-Japanese War "," serious wartime economic situation "," adjustment of wartime policy made by national government ", this part illustrates the environment of the First National Production Conference .

  19. 抗战的到来,使得盐的生产资料特性明显突出,与福建战时经济更加紧密的结合起来,福建盐业经济发展进入一个新的历史时期。

    The arrival of the Anti-Japanese War highlighted the properties of salt as a means of production , and combined with the Fujian wartime economy closely . The economic development of Fujian salt industry enters into a new historical period .

  20. 省府西迁以后,先后制定了一系列战时经济纲领和政策,主要包括对后方重要战略物资实行统制和管制,开展对敌经济斗争;

    After this , a series of economic guiding principles and policies were carried out , mainly including controlling over - the important strategical materials in the National Party-ruled area in Western Hubei , carrying out economy combat against the enemy ;

  21. 上一次全球大繁荣发生在上世纪五六十年代,日本和欧洲在遭遇二战蹂躏后的重建工作,以及美国从战时经济向和平时期经济的转型,让大约3亿人从中受益。

    The previous great global boom occurred during the 1950s and 1960s and benefited about 300m people as Japan and Europe were rebuilt following the devastation of the second world war , and the US retooled from a wartime to a peacetime economy .

  22. 本文就是从战时经济入手,研究它与战国时代的战争、战国时代的变法运动、战国时代的土地问题及战国时代的商业活动的关系。

    The paper is beginning with wartime economy , researching the relationships between it and the wars of the Warring Age , and the Political Reform Movement of the Warring Age , and the land problem and the business activities of the Warring Age .

  23. 抗日战争时期,衡阳因战时经济的繁荣发展而在湖南甚至全国脱颖而出,成为当时三大金融中心之一,工商业、交通运输业也同时获得显著发展。

    During the period of Anti-Japanese War , due to wartime economic prosperity , Hengyang came to the fore in Hunan even the country and became one of the three major financial centers ; there were also significant developments in business and transport apartment .

  24. 抗日战争后期,为了拯救中国濒临崩溃的战时经济,在美国的协助下,一个统管战时生产事务的最高机关&中国战时生产局于1944年11月在重庆正式成立。

    In the later period of the Anti-Japanese War , with the help of the U.S.A. , a supreme economic agency in charge of all the wartime affairs-the War Production Board of China was established in Chongqing in November 1944 to save the collapsing wartime economy .

  25. 就日本战时经济而言,如何解决该地区家畜的管理问题直接关系到能否满足战马及资源开发所需畜力和军用纤维资源等问题。

    As far as the Japanese economy in the war is concerned , to solve the problem of management of the livestock in the area was closely related to whether the requirement for battle steed and for horses for resource development and military fiber could be satisfied .

  26. 新经济政策是阎锡山在抗日战争时期和国共第二次内战时期推行的重要经济政策,它不同于之前实行的一般经济政策,有其独特之处,其主要通过实行统制经济的方式克服战时经济困境。

    The New Economic Policy of Yan Xishan is an important economic policy during the Anti-Japanese War and the second Civil War , which is different from that before the implementation of the general economic policy , in particular it overcame wartime economic difficulties through the controlled economy .

  27. 战时期只是战后型经济体制形成的一个重要阶段,战时经济体制的某些要素对战后体制产生了重要影响,但两者具有本质区别,不能混为一谈。

    The Second World War period was just one important part of the formation of Japan postwar economic system while some factors of the war economic system gave heavy influence on Japan postwar economy system , however , both systems are total different , and can not be mixed up .

  28. 战时后方经济的若干关系

    The Relationships of the Rear-Area Economy during Anti-Japanese War

  29. 日本战时统制经济研究概述

    Summarization of the Researches on Japanese Wartime Controlled Economy

  30. 试论两宋时期陕西的战时农业经济论两宋时期的历史教育

    Agricultural Economy of War Time in Shaanxi in Period of the Northern and Southern Song Dynasties