
  1. (九七)前头说过,战争本质即战争目的,是保存自己,消灭敌人。

    97 . As we have said before , the essence , or the object , of war is to preserve oneself and destroy the enemy .

  2. 战后一段话很能说明战争的本质。

    A conversation after the battle speaks volumes about battles .

  3. 战争的本质是暴力,战争中的中庸便是低能!

    The essence of war is violence ; moderation in war is imbecility !

  4. 无人机已经改变了伊拉克和阿富汗地区战争的本质,相信大家对此已经耳熟能详。

    We are of course familiar with the way drones have changed the nature of war in Iraq and Afghanistan .

  5. 这改变了这场战争的本质因为信息和决策如今能够以光速在各地来回传送

    It will transform the nature of this war , as information and decisions can flow backwards and forwards , at lightning speed .

  6. 但战争真正的本质是满足它自己。

    But the true nature of war is to serve itself .

  7. 不少学者认为核武器违背战争与伦理本质,会给人类带来灾难,因此是绝对的恶。

    Quite a few scholars think that nuclear weapons are absolutely evil because they go against the nature of wars and ethics , and will bring calamity to human beings .

  8. 从战争的经济本质和战争法的形成、争法的作用机制上看,经济利益是一个国家发动战争的内驱力,也是制约战争法的根本因素。

    From studying the economy nature of law , the formation of battle and function mechanism of military law , economy interests is inner cause of launching war , also is basic factor to restrict military law .

  9. 笔者认为人民战争为人民的本质不能变;必须坚持党对军队的绝对领导不能变。

    I believe that the " people war for the people " and " the party for the absolute leadership of the armed forces " can not be changed .

  10. 摘要从汉字语源出发,探讨在汉字文本(一种由象意结构积淀着的汉文化和历史的思想文本)中蕴含的战争内涵及政治本质。

    From the point of derivation of Chinese characters , the article analyzes the war connotation , political essence and Chinese culture which have been accumulated in Chinese characters .

  11. 克劳塞维茨的战争理论揭示了战争的三位一体本质,即战争是暴力性、不确定性和政治从属性的结合体。

    The war theory of Clausewitz opens out the " trinity " of war .

  12. 不错。战争目的是服务政治目的,但战争本质却服务它自己。

    O. Hunter : Yes , the purpose of war is to serve a political end but the true nature of war is to serve itself .

  13. 从哲学上认识战争复杂性,才能深刻地理解和把握战争复杂性的本质。

    To cognize the complexity of war form philosophical point is basic for understanding the nature of the complexity of war profoundly .

  14. 即便战争有正义与非正义的区别,但这种区别改变不了战争毁灭生命的本质特征。

    Even the difference between justice war and injustice war , but this difference can not change the characteristics of the war that destroy the essence of life .

  15. 从古代冷兵器的面对面厮杀,到今天飞机导弹的远程轰炸,尽管战争的形式在不停的改变,导致战争的名义和出发点也各有不同,但战争的实质本质却不曾发生变化。

    From the fight at close quarters with cold weapon in ancient time , until the missile remote bombing by now , the form of war never stop its changes , even the origin of the war or the war purpose is different , the war never changed its substance .